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Day 2 - Just as irritable as I can be, please help!

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I am just down right angry at times, is this normal?  really makes me want to go out in the 20+ inches of snow and just grab a pack! I won't but lord knows I want to.  I have to constantly distract myself which is being tiring and just making me more and more irritable and now I think I have another disease to tack onto the Bipolar and diabetes and post knee replacement therapy.  I have had enough of this, I just need to know I won't constantly be irritable for the next week, I just could not handle that (neither could the people around me for that matter) what did everyone else do? If you are going to be preachy I don't want your comments, I am looking for advice and understanding only.

Please help.


What you are feeling is totally normal. Just take some deep breaths and the feelings will get better. I remember being totally unstable for a few days, but I promise it DOES get better. It may not feel like it now but just keep the quit one hour at a time.


55 days smoke free


I am just behind you with 36 hours. I have been wanting to quit for a long time, but LOVE those first few drags of the day. I didnt consider myself a 'real' smoker, but let's face it, I am. I had foot surgery on Fri, 2/5 and had 4 cigarettes left in my pack. I bought nicorette prior to surgery and had them handy. Over the course of the weekend while I was in the first days of recovery, I smoked the rest of my pack. It was wierd, b/c I didnt really event want them. Alas, when they were gone, I wanted to go through the trash and smoke the butts. How gross it that? 

I live in chicago, and we were just hit with about 8 in of snow. Even thought I"m in a surgery boot, I considered limping to the store to buy cigarettes. Then, I realized how f'd up it was that I was considering risking the health of my foot to smoke a cigarette, something that will certainly not do me any good. Just keep positive and deal with each situation. That's what I'm doing. Little by little, we'll get there! 

For me, I am also educating myself about how terrible teh tobacco companies are -- And using that to educate myself. I believe in voting with my pocketbook for other things, such as local produce and not buying CAFO meat, and this is giving me something that aligns w my overall value system to hang on to. 

I dont want to be in control of these mega corporations who rely on my weakness to make money. 


hey at day 2 i wanted to kill something lol,but i just let ppl know what was goin on and tried to keep myself at a low boil....

walkin helped and so did just bein quiet and believe it or not deep breaths through my nose and out my mouth.

takin a deep breath kept me focused to why i reall want this....i want to breathe  im on day 11 u can do this!!


This is very normal. One preachy thing,, There is no Easy Button!!!! Now one more day to 72 hours and it will ease up I promise, I smoked 2 pks a day for 36 years!! Start talking to yourself, deep breath, get up and get something going, you should just about now start having some short periods of "euphoria" or little "highs" and I enjoyed that. I kept saying how happy I was going to be to not put something in my mouth and set fire to it. Drink plenty of water, thirst, hunger, are very much like a crave.

Hang on it does get better! Been free here for 45 days

Thanks for your insightful blog



Are you doing this cold turkey? If you are i dont recomend it. The patches work really well, and the Target brand is cheaper and they stay on better. Its like losing your bestfriend,and you do have to morn the loss. BUT, you will feel so much better in the long run. Just keep telling yourself that your a non smoker now. The more you say it the more you will believe it. Do something else. I made a fake cig out of a straw and a plastic filter i had. It works. Its when i want to inhale like i use to when i smoked. Some times i just have to take a few deep breathes just to have that feeling like im smoking.. Its sounds stupid, but it worked for me.Sitting at the computer was my smoking spot. Just  keep a positive attitude and tell the people aound you what your doing.  Good Luck,Kristina

Yeah, I get it how angry you are. I Quit due to health and got angry at the cigarettes and their control over me. The cigs contributed to my disease (and aren't helping yours) so they are not my friends. Smoking got me in this predicament, but I refuse to make it worse by smoking. Don't think of quitting as one more thing to deal with - think of it as you taking control.
Me again. BTW I'm on Day 4 and it is getting better.

No preachiness here, I understand where you are coming from. I know I am being completely crazy and irrational but I have NO CONTROL over my emotions right now. Im on day 4 so I am hoping some sanity will return soon.The by far has been the worst quit of all, and I think it is because of the weather. Too cold and snowy to go for walks when I am feeling restless and irritable. Short walks do help..

And remeber how miserable this feels so that you will never want to go through withdraawal again. We can do it! 🙂