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Day 19 Update . . .

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johnnyp - Free and Healing for Eighteen Days, 2 Hours and 33 Minutes,

while extending my life expectancy 1 Day and 6 Hours,

by avoiding the use of 362 nicotine delivery devices

that would have cost me $108.72.

Insomnia!!!! (it's 3:30am ET) LOL Didn't even nap on Saturday. Taking a correspondence course in the faith and I was studying and had to take a test online yesterday, (got a 100%), maybe that's it, who knows. BUT whenever I can't sleep, I just take deep breaths and enjoy it without it hurting or it sending me into a cough that lasted until I was gasping for air and gagging on what I used to cough up. Thought I'd paint a real pretty picture for the next time you were wanting to smoke and just happened to read this!! LOL

Also have been finding that I really, really miss standing at the sliding door in my living room ( I live 5 floors up) and just looking at the grounds while I let some air in, especially during Cleveland winters that last for SIX months!!! That's where I'd stand when I'd use because I didn't do it inside. SO, I've been doing it lately, only have done it a couple of times. Just open the slider, stand there like I used to, have a cup of coffee or tea to keep my hands busy, and it's really been helping. Not so much because it reminds me of using, but because I think I just enjoyed looking out at the trees, the lake, all the snow ( it is beautiful, I guess, LOL, thank you, Lord), and breathing in fresh air, too bad I was polluting it!! It's been helping me get through those few and far between restless spells that can hit. This kind of ties in with something I said the other day, I think I was commenting on someone's blog who was talking about avoiding situations and triggers, etc. My point was we have to let those situations, people, etc back in slowly and take care not to cocoon ourselves too much because if we're suddenly thrown into one of those situations without warning, it could lead to the wrong results. I'd really like to know what you all think about that.

So, did everyone choose their "prayer partner"? For those who are new to my endless, rambling, babbling blogs ( sorry!!) what I thought we'd do is choose someone from the community and just check in on their blogs, their page, and just pray for them. You don't have to tell them right away or at all. I got mine, and I'm praying for him a lot! It might be a great thing to do. Most of us hopefully have been praying a lot for ourselves or for our own individual success, so we're already "tuned in", why not add someone else in with your own personal prayers when we lift them up ~ HE'S LISTENING!!!

Take care all, I love you!!! And as always, you are prayed for!!!

peace & prayers,
