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Day 19: Onward and Upward

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Another blissful night without wheezing, or waking up coughing. Was in bed by 7:00 and up by 4:00 AM, (which is an hour earlier than my normal wake-up time,) but it was just the right time. Plus, Chester was not about to let me wallow. So....

Guys were on the scene at 8:00 AM, and I coughed a little but nothing too dramatic. The good news is, the laundry/ store room is done and everything was moved back. Here's a vid. It was drizzling, and my patio roof is corrugated aluminum, ergo, the tinny dripping sounds.

My  landlady, Nancy,  (who's also my BBF because we've known each other for years,) brought the check over then I went over to Dr. Walker's to have the receptionist update my "note" for my boss.

Called my boss and told her I seem to be much better and would be in Friday. She audibly gasped:

"Oh, thank God."

Apparently there's an inspection coming up. And I know the storage areas (freezer, cooler, pantry, etc.) will be a wreck because no one really keeps them organized, and other things -- like certain types of paperwork -- aren't getting done.

Nancy,  took me to lunch today because I took her to lunch Tuesday. There was this cafeteria we've been wanting to try and we got there right when they were opening and all the blue hairs were there in line and we laughed. (We're in the age group, but really aren't the Claw-Our-Way-to-the-Blue-Plate-Special types, sorry.) So we enjoyed ourselves. The food was pretty good.

I coughed a little a few times. Nothing major. Then we went to Michael's because I always get ideas. I coughed again, nothing major, but got home in time to take my noon meds. Then time to do laundry. It is sooooo  nice to be able to do things without either coughing or feeling short of breath. Normal breathing is wonderful stuff. Hard to appreciate, really, until every little thing you do leaves you gasping for it.

More good news: The IRS Gods have smiled on me and deposited my refund a day early. I was thinking I would have the house thoroughly cleaned as a special celebratory treat to myself. (2b  2 1/2 bath)  Definitely doable.  

Peace and gratitude,


P.S. Contacted a cleaning company and they will be here Monday bright and early to start a deep cleaning. It will be nice to have a clean-smelling place again. I usually only get that after my 3-day cleaning campaign 3X yearly.  But I will likely do it more often as there will be less "ash" to deal with everywhere.

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About the Author
"Non-traditional" History senior, University of Houston. Will be graduating Spring, 2022. Retired. My academic work has been published. I have an eight-year-old Orange Tabby named Chester who's a big love bug, but very people-shy. I am extremely blessed in that, after 50 years of smoking, I have manageable health issues. I am extremely grateful for this site.