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Share your quitting journey


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12 years and 104 days ago I began a new discipline . Learning to take one day at a time not smoking .

To become disciplined and good at my new job ( yes quitting smoking was job )  was hard in the beginning , but it got easier in the middle of training and was no trouble at all after time practising .  I had to get up every morning , come home after work , eat sleep and go back to work the next morning . I didn’t get weekends off in the beginning at all , I had to get better at my job first and save , but I did get better and I saved $ and my vacation package now , whoa ! 

I can tell you I hated my job in the beginning , it was foreign , new , hard to get up some mornings and go to work every day not smoking  , I had some anxiety , some fear , thinking I wouldn’t be good at it . Sometimes I thought about quitting my new job too thinking it was too hard , not enough reward for all the hard work I was doing or not good idea changing my old familiar ways and job but … got easier and I began to like it  .. a lot !
I liked it so much I wanted to keep it for it had benefits no other job ever gave me . It was a good paying job . I was my own boss too and who doesn’t like being their own boss lol altho that was stressful in the beginning too because I kept getting in my own way of a successful opportunity . 

I’ve had this great job now 12 years and 104 days . I don’t want any other job in the future but this one . This job is amazing and so glad I found it . 

So , hey I gotta keep it short , I always ramble on with my thoughts , something everyone does with good news  or joy .  I could write a whole book on this new job I decided to take a chance doing , but I think many have written it before me too and I know many will after me .  It’s very popular . You will find it under many titles and descriptions . It’s a great book no matter who has written it  so I encourage you to pick up one and start your new job today . 

The title of my chapter today is discipline , 12 years 104 days . My book is not finished but it’s going to be entitled “ Quit Forever “ . Don’t know when it will be out lol . One day 🙂 one day at a time . 

Shout your stats ok , no matter how many days you have one , 6 , 22 , 400 , 19 years.  Every day you worked , you disciplined yourself to say no to smoking is going to take you far , I promise you as those before me have promised me as well .