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DAY 365 !!!!!!!!!!!One Year !

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I am so excited and happy to be here on Ex celebrating my 1 year anniversary and entrance to the 6% club ! You have no idea how amazed and happy I am after trying so many other times to quit smoking and never getting past 3 months and usually not even past a few weeks !

To all of you newbies never give up ! If you have tried to quit before and failed don't let that get you down use those times as stepping stones to reach your forever quit learn from your mistakes... what you did right and what you did wrong . Stay with Ex and you will get all the love and support you need to make it !

It is a journey and I have been addicted so I no I must remain vigilent and not let one year go to my head ! I still need the love and support fom all of you to remain true to my quit . This year flew by I still have days that I crave that ole nicodemon but I am too happy about how I feel not smoking to let That ole Nic drag me down !

My brain was conditioned to smoking for 51 years  ! In one year I have come a long way but the journey continues. My brain is being renewed and I must patiently allow time to be the healer .

My lungs are so much clearer and for you newbies it can happen quite quickly within a week of not smoking my wheezing was gone ! Now I can lay on my back without choking myself to death ! I am not kidding my lungs were that bad ! It took me so long just to go to sleep at night ,I had to keep coughing and trying to clear my lungs and throat of mucous just to go to sleep sometimes I even turned on my fan so I would not hear my own wheezing ! Thankfully that is gone ! I still do have mucous in my throat frequently and I hope that clears eventually but hey after 51 years of heavy smoking my problems could be much worse .

I hope you younger quitters will take heed and not delay quitting for as many years as I did. I went way to long between quits and now I still could easily face more health problems because of that procrastination ! Even if I had a diagnosis of lung cancer I would still be very happy to be free of the continual need to smoke... I hated be addicted to those sickerettes !

I want to especially thank all the Elders ( I will not begin to mention names for fear of leaving out someone ) You know who you are !!!! I also want to thank my quit buddies ( the ones who quit around the same time as me last winter ) I thank all of the newbies who keep  quitting NEW  and reminding me how I never ever want to return to day one again ! I want to be there for you all as so many have been there for me !

I love you  my wonderful Ex- Family....... Big (((((((((HUGS)))))))))) to you all ! I will be  forever grateful to God for helping me find this site and to all of you here especially to the Elders who are here almost daily to help us all in our quits !

Thanks Shawn for hosting the great Bonfire I was elated to throw all of those sickerttes into the flames !

About the Author
I am the Mother of 4 children , a Grandmother and Great Grandmother . I am a retired LNA /CNA and I live in South Western New Hampshire . I am a native of Martha's Vineyard Island . My room mate Karen and I have 6 pets : Two dogs Lily and Jonah, one cat Olivia, two bunnies Lila and Emma and one guinea pig Allie . I enjoy reading ,knitting, walking, especially in the woods, at the river or the beach I also like taking photographs with my camera . I miss my family and my Island .