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Share your quitting journey

Chantix day one (loooong)

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I promised myself that I would blog every single day beginning with my first dosage of Chantix. I've been preparing for my quit for about 2-3 weeks now, but this is my first... solid... action against smoking. Popping the pill into my mouth and swallowing, I braced myself for the immediate desire to quit smoking forever to magically embrace me. I'm sad to report that things did not quite pan out this way... but here is what did happen:

I went to my dr's office and firmly requested a prescription for Chantix. He was a little apprehensive about giving it to me since my insurance does not cover it and it was a hefty sum for one go. I assured him that my finances were in order and that in under a month, the medicine will have paid for itself. Why a doctor is interested in my finances, I have no idea. It might have been my children sitting behind me with calculators and large water jug jars full of pennies sporting the name "Chantix" in permanent marker across the front. Who knows? At any rate, filling and paying for the prescription was painless and boring... so... fast forward to home...

I get home and make myself an unreal salad... loaded it with sunflowers and cranberries... yummmmm... and actually ATE. For those of you that don't know me personally, I don't eat. For some reason during the daylight hours, my stomach just says... "Oh... no thanks"... to food. Then the sun goes down and the magical "I'm unbelievably hungry" fairy visits my household and that is when I partake in food. So... I ate... I forced myself to eat... since I knew that this is a major issue with Chantix. It was a blessed moment (pronounced BLESS---ED lol). The salad was incredible and man, I've been missing out. I downed that with two glasses of water... And at the tail end of the second glass... I slipped the pill into my mouth and swallowed. Twenty minutes later a wave of nausea that can be likened to morning sickness flowed over me. I laid on the couch and just focused on breathing through them, just like I did when I was pregnant. And I am here to say... I did not vomit!!!!! hehehe... that's a feat in itself. I was a little surprised that the nausea hit me on day one, I was under the impression that it took a few days or something... lord knows I'm probably wrong on that...

Other than the nausea and dull stomach ache all day (which, by the way, SPRITE does wonders for both of those things... I was drinking Sprite and burping... and it felt great... lol) I think my first day went better than I really expected. I was waiting for the desire to toss myself off a bridge or something... we'll see how things go once I quit the cigs for good and move up the dosage... signing off...



PS- If you made it all the way through this marathon post... you are awesome. Pat your back... go on... do it.


i dont know about that drug...........i had a friend of mine sick  bad,she said it was awful. glad you did it one day...........i quit without that so i know it can be done............for me it was easy to just let it go and do something else........whatever you do dont smoke...........choose to live free


Crystal - I'm patting myslef on the back - and laughing my head off! Great blog - thanks! I certainly hope you keep your pledge to blog every day - you are very good at it! I didn't take Chantix - but, I took Welbutrin - which also has some side efects. Nothing too crazy - but, I did get my doctor to switch it to half the dose after the first 3 weeks. For me - the important this was that my quit worked! (I'm at 79 days after 40 years of smoking.)  Hopefully your body will get used to the drug quickly. You can do this! Stay here - keep blogging!


Ctystal, I love you!! you are the best thing to come in to my life. your tuch on life is so cool. keep bloging and don't stop you give me so much hope that I know I can do this with you and we will be so much better off. Hugs to you for beening open with us and your self. keep it up and you will be smoke free I just know you can do it  I can too


Crystal, you gave me quite a laugh this morning..   stick with it girl you can do it..  Keep in close touch with your Dr. about any side effects!   Chantix does affect a lot of folks..   Good luck.  Keep on tryin and keep on blogging and keep up your marvelous sense of humor!  I'm 31 days smoke free on Chantix..  🙂


Well I think you're frame of mind is perfect for a happy quit!


Well, Crystal, you are not alone!  Today is day 8 on Chantix for me, and I had the nausea side-effects also.  They do get better.  Today is my first day with no cigarettes.  So far, so good.  Eating soda crackers or plain salty potato chips helped me with the nausea.  Also, a glass of sprite or other soda with lots of crushed ice....yum!  I've been smoking for over 30 years, so if I can do it, you can too!  My prayers are with you! Stay strong!