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Share your quitting journey

Back Again

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Hi Friends.  I am back.  In April of 2013, I quit smoking.  I quit for six months, but got stressed over schoolwork, stopped for gas and caved and bought a pack of cigarettes.  That led to another pack and within a month I was back to my pack a day habit.  I was too embarrassed to tell all of you about it, so I quit coming onto this website.  I have set another quit date and will quit with the lozenges again.  I am determined to succeed this time for the rest of my life.  My daughter went so far as to buy me 30 boxes of lozenges.  She said that would be enough for the entire quit.  I can be very stupid.  I am not sure why I went back to smoking.  I felt better, I could walk up stairs without losing my breath, it was a dumb move.  If anyone has any suggestions, please, please write to me.  I am willing to try anything to give up this dirty, expensive habit.  Ruta