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Almost Made It!!

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So here I am on day 2 and have failed 2 times.  I went out after dinner last night and smoked a 3/4 of a cigarette and this morning I lit up one and only took 2 drags.  It smelled awful, tasted awful, almost thought I was going to get sick.  Is this bad to do if this is what it takes??  Will eventually if I go out and light it do you think I will start to enjoy it again and go back.  Oh me the things that are running through my head!!!


Yes you will.

Bargaining with yourself and part of one here and there is an indicator.

If you've quit and you're still smoking, you're doing it wrong.


Oh but I could not hang anymore.  I did realize how nasty it was when I lit it.  I think maybe just maybe that was my way of telling myself I am not missing something not smoking.  I am starting over today and so far since those 2 puffs I have not at all had a craving.


I strongly encourage you to re read the comments from your first blog. To me there is no luck involved. It is a committment. It is a daily choice that I make.

Download Allen Carr's book from the link Sootie gave you and go to jonescarp's page. Educating yourself on the addiction is really important. I would also wet and shred any cigarettes that you have available.

So glad you came this morning and blogged! You can do this.


So, you couldn't hang? Does that mean you needed the nicotine and that is why you couldn't hang?  or that you kept talking to yourself until you smoked?

  Jenni, I read both of your blogs, and I thought carefully about what to say to you. Let me start with this…
  You know how you see CPR being performed on all these medical shows? It looks so easy and simple, right? It looks like anyone at all could just jump into the middle of a trauma and proclaim, “I can do CPR! Stand back, here I go!“ Except it’s not like that at all. It’s not that simple. It takes a bit of training to save a life that way. You have to practice it first before you actually do it. (And, besides, the “CPR” the actors are doing isn’t even the real thing!)
  You were so thrilled to jump right in and stop smoking…but you simple didn’t KNOW HOW. At all. 
  The good news is that you CAN get TRAINED HOW to actually QUIT! And we can help teach you that here. There is an entire program on this website, and I am willing to bet that you didn’t actually do any of the lessons or any of your homework. Right? And there is an entire support group here that can help you protect yourself, BUT ONLY IF you ask for HELP BEFORE you smoke. Which you didn’t do.
  I’m not being mean with you, Jenni, because that’s not my style…98% of the time, anyway. Hahahaha!
  So, how do you fix all this? (And, trust me, it does need to be fixed because you’re cheating with cigarettes all over the place! The method you’re using now is not working.) Well, if you totally collapse and go back to smoking, then go start the program from the beginning, learn HOW to quit in smart ways, and pick a quit date that is a couple of weeks away. If, however, you decide to honor your new quit date (today is your new date, by the way), then you will still need to start this program NOW and study ALL the materials in a valiant and courageous effort to learn WHY not using cigarettes is the smart thing for you to keep doing.
  I cannot and will not tell you which choice is best. This is your quit and your life; only you get to decide where to go from here.

If you quit smoking, why did you have cigarettes ?? If you kept your cigarettes sounds like you never intended to actually not smoke. I am 803 days smoke free, but I also know that I will always be "One Away from A Pack A Day"  You need to make the committment to not smoke, under any circumstances and honor that committment. There is no magic pill, but it is doable, and it does get easier and it is so worth it.  As Dale says If you quit and you are  still smoking, you are doing it wrong 

keep calm and carry on




get that attitude going - you do not smoke.  Period.  End of story.

Get educated on your addiction and it will be a lot easier.

Stay with us!


Yeah  Jenni , if you are keeping cigarettes around  ( Just in case ) forget about it. That well never get you quit .

My best advice to you would be this , take the weekend to prepare yourself. Stay close to this site , read about addiction. Read and learn about how others got through bad craves. Did you smoke in your house , car ? Clean it up , clean out ashtrays, make it smell nice ,like anon smoker car.I don't know how much you smoke , but plan it so your last smoke is at night so you start a new day fresh without a nasty ass cigarette.

You have to commit to it , yes your addicted brain wants you to keep smoking ,and as long as you do , it well keep craving !  Smoking makes you crave smoking !  We have all been where you are , so you can be where we are .we are here to help you .


hey jenni i know exactly where yo are coming from  i was there....first what you have to do is get rid of all tobacco products...if yo dont have them you wont smoke them... that is not all have to remember that when you were learning to smoke you would work at it...sometimes you would only take a few tokes sometimes you would forget to smoke... then finally you learned to inhale and pretty soon you were blowing rings...

like i said i was there...if you didnt do these things you probably were older than me...

well quitting is the same thing in reverse...sometimes you gforget you dont smmoke anymore... somethimes your body is craving so bad you just have to lay down and go to sleep...but the truth is you have to work at it... you have to teach your brain how to deal with the fact that you dont smoke anymore...dont beat yourself up  just get more and more determined..

you can do this ... and we are here to help


NOT ONE PUFF EVER that is what N.O.P.E. stands for and to be a non smoker that is what you have to do.  All you ate doing is kkeping yourself in constant need for nicotine. Say NOPE the next time you reach for a cigarette.


Prepartion and planning are KEY to success in quitting smoking.  Know your enemy!

I second the recommendation to take this weekend and read Allen Carr. do the tracking and separation exercises (albeit briefly) suggested on this site,   Read the blogs and pages of the elders.

The idea is to change up your routines so the smoking associations are reduced.  Drink your coffee with your OTHER hand. If you always had that first smoke with your coffee, try putting your tennies on right out of bed, going for a quick walk, then taking your shower and THEN your coffee! Rearrange the furniture in the areas you used to smoke so the view is different.


You need to distract yourself through any craves.  You can take a bite out of a lemon (yup - rind and all), put your head in the freezer and take a deep breath of cold air, do a few jumping jacks, go for a brisk walk or march in place, play a computer game.  Don't let that smoking thought rattle around in your brain unchallenged. Sometimes you need to quit a minute or an hour at a time.  You will need to be disciplined in the early days to distract yourself when a crave hits.  Don't let that smoking thought rattle around your head alone.  Get busy!  Here is a link to a list of things to do instead of smoke if you need some fresh ideas:


The conversation in your head in response to the "I want a cigarette" thought needs to be, "Well, since I have decided not to do that anymore, what shall I do instead for the three minutes this crave will last?"  Then DO it.  You will need to put some effort into this in the early days, but it gets easier and easier to do.


Stay close to us here and ask questions when you have them and for support when you need it. We will be with you every step of the way!




Hi... i'm @ 98 days of nicotine freedom. It totally sucks every day as long as I let it. It is hard But what isn't that's worth it?!  Some days I cry some days I laugh,there are days I fight myself so bad. I quit smoking because I'm tired of the control. We are addicted-only you and I can change this. I just choose to not put one in my mouth. There has been so many many times my Uncle set them right there with a lighter.... It's getting better because now I'm not fighting myself anymore. I don't fight the addition I kill it with N.O.P.E. You can do this. Change that mind set. Be proud. Grow that back bone. Read,read. You deserve the freedom,It's wonderful to feel better.`Peace~ Deborah.... read my blog's,I'm crazy and still haven't smoked...:)  hugs.