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As most of you know, Kellie is going to have a double lung reduction on the 22nd of this month.   This will give her 3-5 more years of life.  She is on the lung transplant list, so prayer, lots of prayer needed for that to happen for her.  

She is one of my Shero's, not because she is ill, or perfect.  Because of her Strength, her Honesty, her Realness.  And because I like Bonnie Raitt too....

The following Blog is ....well... I'll let you decide.  



I walked a 5k


May 21, 2011 by Kellie   Comments (22)


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I am a few weeks away from my 2 year mark.  I was reading blogs about gaining weight and how that is a trigger for some to want to start smoking again.


I quit cold turkey.  I replaced food with cigarettes.  I quit smoking easy enough I figured food would be the same way.  You have to fill that empty void that smoking takes up.  I wish I would have thought about that a little more while quitting.


At any rate.  Today I completed a goal I thought would be impossible to reach.  I walked my first 5k.  There were about 30 of us... all ages, from 13 to 85.  We all started out together.  It didn't take much time to watch then entire group walk out of site. 


I walked with my oxygen tank in a back pack and the cannula wrapped around my face.  About the half way mark for me the group passed me heading back to the starting point.  We all started at 9:00 a.m. and I finished at 10:45.  By the time I got back to the parking lot my vehicle was the only one there.  But I finished! 


By the time I finished my lungs were burning and my chest was killing me.  But I did it! 


I smoked 35 years.  My lungs are damaged and they are to the point where they no longer can deliver the correct amount of oxygen to my heart.  Sooner or later I will have lung surgery.


I try and exercise every day.  My goal is to get an hour of cardio in every day.  It actually started out 2 hours then after a couple hospital stays that goal dropped to an hour.  Some days I can do 15 minutes at a time 4 times a day to get my hour in... other times I do it 5 minutes at a time.  Some days honestly I can't even reach an hour.  I push myself though every day.


I started a weight loss program and so far I have lost 30ish pounds.  I am actually now losing more inches every week than pounds. 


I guess my point is.  To all of you who are worried about gaining weight if you quit smoking.  Looky here... I waited to quit smoking until I had severe emphysema giving me about a 10-15 year life span.  I gained weight.. but it's coming off in a healthy way.


Just think if you quit now you could avoided the Copd or lung disease.  There is always time to begin a healthy lifestyle.  It's easy, if I can do it.... you can too. 


Comments (22)


9 badges


KUDOS, Kellie. Awesome that you finished. The quit seems to empower you (me) (us) in ways we never considered possible. BTW, I read that you'd have to gain 75 pounds for weight gain to be as detrimental as smoking. I'm not sure how much I've gained in the last 76 days, but it's not 75 pounds yet. Keep going. You're an inspiration!!!!


tamarale 444 days ago

     Mothergoose9 (Connie)    

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6 badges


Wow!!!  How inspiring!!!!  Thank you for sharing.  I am feeling the pressure to get my rear in gear and start walking.  I bought walking poles a few months back and they are collecting dust.  Partly because we have had rain for weeks and weeks, but my health isn't going to wait on the weather!!!  Thanks for sharing...


Mothergoose9 (Connie) 444 days ago

     jonescarp aka dale    

quitcoach badge


9 badges


You are an amazing being!


jonescarp aka dale 444 days ago


11 badges


Brava, lady.  FiveK with an oxygen tank in a back pack.  Now that's determination!  But nobody waiting for you at the finish line??? That STINKS!  Keep on inspiring us, you beauty. 


Giulia 444 days ago


5 badges


Thanks Giulia... I forgot to mention Bill was walking with me.  Had it not been for him there, I am sure I would have turned around and not finished.  I knew if I fell out, he could at least call 911.  LOL


Kellie 444 days ago


11 badges


Well, that makes me a Little happier, knowing that.  And how much weight has He lost?   LOL. 


Giulia 444 days ago


7 badges


Way to go Kellie you should certainly be proud and great job with the weight loss also. I gained a bit over 20 lbs in my first 90 days and last month I decided to eat better and ride my bike and have just now shed the weight I gained after quitting and I am looking for more.  Keep up the great work. Mike


Mike 444 days ago


7 badges


Thank you for sharing this. I am very proud of you. I too waited too long to quit. I  smoked 32 years I have COPD so  I can feel some of your pain.  I kept saying when I lose 10 pounds I will quit. Then I would keep smoking so I would not gain It back or I would Quit and start to lose wait. What a dumb thing You are  so right. Now we have to deal with The Lung disease and the weight gain. which only makes it harder to exercise. You are so inspiring and brave. If you can walk 5 k  and finish . I think I need to get off my duff and get with the program. Thanks for  finishing  for All of Us


Liz 444 days ago


6 badges


WOWimage!! Way to go, Kelly!! So very impressed!! Keep it up, honey!


Lynette 444 days ago


10 badges


Your blog inspired mine today 🙂 Congrats! On your walk and tell us what's next!


YogiB 444 days ago


8 badges


You are amazing and inspirational. Walking a 5K is something to be very proud of!! Keep us informed and continue the good work.


sspahn49 444 days ago


7 badges


Congratulations on finishing the 5K!  And thank you for this most inspiring blog today.  You have touched many hearts!  


keptpromise 444 days ago


7 badges




Thank you for posting!   I posted something yesterday about the fears of gaining weight while healing our nicotine addiction.  I can no longer list excuses as 'reasons' to keep smoking.  I can lose weight - I can't fix COPD.  I can buy clothes that fit, I can't buy lungs and a heart. 


Congrats on your finish!  I will be walking a 5k Memorial Day weekend ...I'm pretty excited about it 🙂




Keep up the great work and positive attitude!




Alice 443 days ago


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11 badges


CONGRATULATIONS!!! 5K - what an accomplishment! You feed my soul with inspiration which is the breath of the spirit, after all! Thank You, Kellie! God Bless!


Thomas 443 days ago


8 badges


Way to Go Kellie,,,,, that is wonderfult!!!


Thanks for sharing this inspiring blog and CONGRATULATIONS!  


Debi 443 days ago


Congratulations Kellie! That is an awesome feeling to cross the finish line I am sure! You go girl! Woohoo! Love your spirit and determination! Thanks for sharing! I will keep you in my prayers ❤️




Thank You for re-posting Owl.  She IS a superstar.  She has what it takes to get through this.  

Kellie.... you are such an inspiration. I will include you  in my prayers. ♥  Stay Strong Sweetie!  You can get through this too!


Hello, my dear friend Kellie, I am always in awe of you. You continue to inspire so many and give hope to those who have none. You are always in my prayers. My love to you ♥   My thanks to you Owlfeather for the repost♥


Owlfeather....thanks for posting this.


Thank you Owl Feather for reposting this blog! Kellie has inspired me since day one of my quit!! I am sending prayers - and will continue to do so! 


Thanks for re-posting Owl!  Kellie is so inspirational, her determination at the 5k will stand her in good stead on the 22nd!  


Thats a girl kelly, im so proud of you for reaching ur goal, ur a strong person i learned alot from you if u remeber :)) just walking upstairs was the best thing In along time your gona see 😉 i no ur gona do great prayers for you always kel & thinkin of ya, you hang in there xoxoxo