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75 Days today

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Wow hard to believe but with the grace of god and all the support from family, friends and fellow exr's I have done it.  It seem's to me that I am somewhere in the middle of NML (not sure if I just got in the front door or if Im closer to the back door) but in there just the same. This is my 12th and final week on the chantix and I am apprehensive of how that is going to go.  I hope that I am far enough into the quit that it will be an easy transition.  I must say i will miss the bizarre dreams that came with that little blue pill, they were so crazy and off the wall that you had to laugh them off.  Anyway I am proud of myself and all of you for taking that giant step into a new beginning and showing that little demon that we can and will prevail.  Happy Friday to you all! 

Ms. "J"