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Share your quitting journey

48 hours down.

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I can already tell that this time is different.  I haven't had the "I want a cigarette" thoughts like I have every other time I quit. I can recognize when the craving for nicotine hits and it seems to be getting a little less severe each time.  When I quit before, those cravings always made me emotional.  Now I recognize it for it really is.  The addict part of me wants its fix.   I do notice that  at times I would normally have a cigarette I start to go toward the garage (where we smoked), then I remember I'm a non-smoker.  It doesn't make me sad.  I just feel a little confused sometimes.  I had 3 pieces of Nicorette gum yesterday.  I was going to try to do it completely without an aid but I figure if I need a little something for a few days and it keeps me from actually lighting a cigarette, it's ok to have 2-3 pieces.

My hubby is still smoking but it doesn't bother me.  I want him to smoke as he reads the Allen Carr book.  I hope he'll have the same revelation I had.  We will be happier as non-smokers then we ever were as smokers.


Glad your quit is going so well....

Be Blessed,


congrats on 48! 

I love to hear people doing well after reading Allen Carr because I ordered the book myself.

(im putting off reading it until my husband gets home in a week or 2) YES the fear of quitting which I know is rediculous. Im learning though and everyday seems less and less scary the more I read, learn and come to this page.


Thank you.  Simtagous you can put off reading it if you want to.  It's not an automatic, you finish the book and you have to quit thing.  The decision is always yours.  You could read it now and put off the quit for a couple of weeks.  That was my intention.  I was going to wait until Spring Break so I wouldn't be "crabby" with the kids.  Something clicked in my brain and I realized the stress of the quit wasn't worth putting it off.  I was having anxiety attacks about quitting.   I knew these 2 weeks at work would be particularly stressful but I just decided to quit.  It was instantaneous and complete.  I haven't regretted the decision once.


there's no time like the present


Way to go !!  🙂


Congratulations on your quit, keep it up.  We can do this.  Shirley


That's what I found to be incredibly beneficial. Recognozing the urges and seeing them for what they are. It makes it so much easier to realize how they come and go, instead of feeling them as a constant urge. In reality we know that they pass in a few minutes and this helps us to deal with them. As I write this I notice that it's now been 55 hours for you.

 Amazing how the time just keeps building when we quit. And each hour helps with the next. I think you got this!

Congratulations on your new life of freedom!!


You sound good. Congrats on your quit! Hopefully your husband will see the light while reading the book!


WTG!!  2 Days!!

This time is different for me too.  I feel this is the most important thing I can do in my life right now.  It's more important than making sure the house is clean, getting to work on time, and all the other things I normally stress about.  Right now, the only thing I need to make sure I do, is stay an ex.

I remember putting off quitting for this event or that vacation, but in the end, I guess there is always something coming up, and we just need to decide this is more important.

Congrats and Good Luck! 


I have been quit know for 9 days with the patch..Its working great. no craving's at all. I am very strong about my decision and nothing will knock me down..Never put off till tommorow what can be done today! I smoked from 18 till know and I am 42..yrs old. Never a better time to quit then the present..Is the book good?


I have Allen Carr's card for the Nintendo DS and I have to say it made me sooo mad lol! The "Nicotine Monster" annoyed me to the point where I wanted to throw it down and go light up.. I obviously missed the point entirely. I have since figured it out and it's amazing how I look at it now, as opposed to a week ago.

For those of you who don't have the DS cartridge, or the book... a good thing to keep in mind is that quitting smoking is YOUR choice. No one can make you do it, but you!  So.. when you get a craving, get mad at that craving. Get mad at cigarettes and nicotine.  Just look at it that way once. And then when you get a craving, just say NO! and U win, not the nicotine.

I quit for 6 months once. Then one night I had a few drinks and decided to have "just one". That was my downfall. Before that I was so set on quitting that I hardly even noticed the withdrawl, and I didn't get bad cravings. I think I quit because I realized that the nicotine didn't own me 🙂


He completely destroyed every illusion I ever had about smoking.  You have to read him with an open mind.  Then you realize, he's completely right.  It really is the big monster (your mind) that's the enemy.  The little monster has no power without the big monster.