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4 Years Strong And Never Going Back!

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Yesterday was my 4 years quit anniversary.  It's hard to believe that it's been that long since I put out my last cigarette.  I can't say it was easy but the unbelievable part is that I've never wanted to pick up a cigarette in the whole 4 years.  I can say that the wonderful people of EX gave me love, support and the best wisdom I've ever heard.  I had one piece of wisdom that I used as my mantra and it kept me going every day.  "There is nothing in a cigarette that's going to solve any problem."  I learned that if you take apart a cigarette there is shredded material that does not solve problems.  A piece of paper that does not solve anything. A filter with fiberglass in it that definitely does not solve any problems. By using that as my mantra I was able to get through any cravings.  It actually made not crave them anywhere near as much as any of my previous quits.  It is how I made it past my previous longest quit time of 1 year.  

I'd also like to thank all of the wonderful people on Ex that helped me along the way and literally made this quit possible.  I will not falter because I know I always have you to get me through any challenges. Thank you my friends! 


About the Author
I had smoked 35 years. I consider myself 'certifiably crazy' (jokingly) and anyone that knows me can attest to that : ) I am a certified Reiki practioner, I love heavy metal music even though I'm over 50; animals of all kinds and will rescue and rehab (if possible) any beastie I come across; I love raising ducks; riding horses; embroidery, and of course sarcasm. I am looking forward to the rest of my life as a non-smoker.