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Share your quitting journey

38 days under my belt

3 3 122

So here is what has been hard.  Mornings are hard, but since it is getting colder I do not sit out to drink my coffee. My old pattern was to sit on my porch and chain smoke in the mornings. Creating a new routine has been hard. Stuck in that rut. However I am managing.  Not quit a habit yet but each day gets better.

After work is hard. Again I would sit of the porch and chain smoke.  Now I am binge eating after I get home.  Think I need to quit going home, Ha-ha. 

Not smoking in the car has been challenging. . . but I have a water bottle and gum. 

What has been surprisingly easy is not smoking at work.  You would think that would be hard because that is my social outlet. Going with the gang to smoke on break. I still go outside with my friends, but I do not take off my mask during break.  Seems to do the trick. 

Customarily only 3 cigarettes at work, nonetheless, I always made up for it at home. Like a pack a day. . . insane. Especially after having quit for 11 years! Oh that slippery slope. . . That is what I need to conquer this time and make the quit stick!