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Share your quitting journey

15 Days...Need Advice

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Today is day 15 for me.  I'm doing much better than I thought I would.  I never smoked in the house...always outside on our porch swing.  I've managed to get through the triggers that going outside caused, I've managed to get through the driving triggers and a few other situations that were triggers.   This is where I need some advice...  there is a clubhouse here with a huge patio overlooking the pool and jacuzzi. The patio is the hub of activity... there is always something going on down there...Small cafe...a bar, karaoke, bingo, theme dances, live music, water aerobics, even Leslie Sansone walking dvd fitness daily on the dance floor.   I haven't been down there for 15 days because going there is a huge trigger.  You see, every time I went to the patio I smoked...6 years of doing that here. One half of the patio is smoking. The other half is wall or anything to separate the sections...just a row of nicer tables. I used to go to water aerobics and the walking fitness 5 days a week... Shoot...I just burst out crying...I miss the activities... I miss my friends...4 of my friends work here and they are smokers.  I also have non-smoking friends in the fitness class.  My best friend is my biggest supporter!  My point is...I want to go swim in the pool...I want to get back to exercising...I want to go down to the grass to listen to the band tonight...I'm afraid of going down there and being hit with a huge trigger.  Any suggestions of how I deal with this? I'm paralyzed with fear!!!

Deborah 15 DOF

About the Author
I'm a retired Business Manager and Make-Up Artist for Estee Lauder Cosmetics. I love living near the beach in beautiful, sunny San Diego, California. I've smoked for 45 years...I remember the first time like it was yesterday. I was in 8th grade...13 years old...a circle of about 6 girls. One of the girls had a cigarette from her brother. We passed it around and I remember coughing but tried it again the 2nd time around. I smoked to be cool when I was in high school. Smoked at parties and the weekends. After I graduated and lived on my own, I smoked a pack a day....everyday until yesterday...6/8/18. I'm here because I want to quit more than anything. I'm 60 years old and pushing my luck! I want to live healthy for 20 more years. I love life!!!