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14 DOF

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Hey there my EX Fam!!!! I missed you guys yesterday!! All is well here with me and mine!! Me and my mom and my son (13) were just really hanging out yesterday, and I have to take that from him whem I can get it! He'll be 14 next month and is in the 8th grade, so you already know!!!! LOL LOL!! Speaking of 14..... today is 14 Days Of Freedom from sickarettes for me and I'm so glad about it!!! Once upon a time I couldn't have imagined 2 weeks of no sickarettes! I can remember A few years back I was supposed to take a road trip with some friends and were trying to figure out the seating arrangements in everyones vehicles and one person was like "There ain' t gonna be no smoking in my car!!!" And I looked at the few friends of mine that were there that did smoke like me, and I was like "Hey it's her car, her perogative just like smoking is mine and I'm NOT about ride a whole 6-8 hours without smoking!!" And I passed on that trip and didn't feel at all bad about it!!! Looking back on that now as a non smoker and typing it  to y'all makes me laugh out loud for real!! It just cracks me up that I was sooooo committed to something that didin't give a crap about me so much so to the point that not only was I giving you all my money, but you're killing me with me helping you to do so... LITERALLY!!! WOW! (MY "And BOOM there goes the dynamite" moment) Man!! Life is so different for me now. And as I've said before, it hasn't been a bed of roses. There were moments when I didn't know or remember who I was without my murderous, mooching boyfriend nicodemon. Times when I just knew that I was totally losing my mind between the moodswings and the headaches. But what kept me going was God, and support from my biological and EX families! My grandmother used to sing a song in church when I was little and the chorus is my affirmation for today. "Through it all, Through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus, I've learned to trust in God, Through it all, Through it all, I've learned to depend upon his word." I luv you all!!!  Still not quitting on my quit cuz S.I.N.A.O