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Oh, and By the Way, I have COPD!

I have read so many of these intros lately! I just want folks to know that if you have been diagnosed with COPD this is a very serious Life Changing illness! Too often, a Doctor will send you out the door with your Spiriva or Advair and set an appointment for 6 Months down the road! No EXplanation, No Information, No PLAN! This is unconscionable! 


What you need to know more than any other fact about COPD is you must Quit Smoking or Die! It's that simple! Not "try to quit", not "one of these days", not "if it gets worse!" NOW! 


      COPD life expectancy is a topic that many       COPD patients simply don't want to talk about. But, if you or a loved one have been diagnosed with       COPD, then you've probably spent a great deal of time wondering about it. And why wouldn't you? After all, understanding the prognosis of a disease motivates many people to take action toward making appropriate lifestyle changes that may help them live longer and healthier. So, can implementing positive lifestyle changes also influence COPD life expectancy? You bet it can!      

The truth is, if diagnosed early enough and you quit smoking, COPD prognosis is relatively favorable and lung function decline is similar to anyone else of the same sex, age, height and weight. It is only when you continue to smoke that lung decline progresses at a much faster rate and may eventually lead to respiratory failure and/or premature death. 


The other thing you need to know is your FEV 1%! When you are given a Spirometry Test, your Doctor knows your FEV 1% but if you don't ask him/her, (S)he may not see any reason to tell you! Well, it's Your LIFE, we're talking about here and YES, You do need to know NOW! An FEV 1% will tell you how much lung capacity you have and whether you are getting worse over time or holding your own - you will NOT be getting better ever! Finding out how to keep that number from decreasing must be your new constant goal in life! How can you know that if you don't even know your number? The surest way to keep that number from taking a landslide is .....QUIT SMOKING! 


COPD is #3 KILLER in the USA! Only Heart Disease and Cancer precede it. Diabetes is #7! People panic when they hear diabetes as their diagnosis! They should be much more concerned about COPD! 


EDUCATE Yourself! When you take good care of yourself, you have the opportunity to live a full Quality Life! It doesn't happen by luck! YOU make the choice!

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14 Replies

Great blog Thomas, now, when I see those new blogs, I will remember to refer them to you,as we all should...xoxo

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Thomas thank you for this blog you guided me to.  Yes I have questions for my Dr.  I have not told anyone about the C O P D because I blame myself and my weakness.  I need to change a lot of things.

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I'am still trying hard to not pick up a cigarette.  My husband didn't smoke for 5 days.  He never says I'm quitting but he bought cigarettes yesterday.  I don't go to the garage when he is smoking. So far not tempted by them.  We have a garden and trying to take care of some things I'm picking.  Heve not been in here for a few days.  I've been walking everyday for the last 5 days.  I gte rally tired and I'm sure the COPD is not helping there.  Just keep trying to do this thing called qiting.  Thanks for all you do.

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I needed to get phsically stronger to walk the distance and speed I like. I'am up there. I was septic and took a while to get past that. I had fallen while sick and hurt my back and a hip I had previously broken.  I've done a lot of Re Hab with help and all is O K. I have arthritis in my back so have to be careful.  The walking is my favorite way to get out and breathe.  WE have had some very smoky days from wild fires recently. They don't bother me but I do skip the oudoor walks. I can do things in the house.  Most importantly I'm not smoking.  Thanks for your support.

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Well I'm still here thank goodness. Many computer problems and just to frustrating when I got kicked off the enternet so often. I have it going some what on my own.  In reading other posts I find I'm not to bothered by spraying some things I had here and probably should not use. I don't use hair spray but have forgotten on some bleach sprays I had around and not been bothered. Yes I need to know a number. My Dr. has been away for maternity leave for 3 Mo's.  Before she left I ask her about my  voice being so ragged and wondered about the Spiriva and Dulera. She said just quit for a few weeks and see.  I did and no help. Shoud have figured it was my allergies. Found if I use my salt solution for sinus it helps.  I have swallowd the Spiriva capsule about 3 times.  I take my Meds. on my sink top and go to my husbands side and do the lungs. Makes me furious as it is expensive. Hasn't bothered me but know not helping.  I had to mostly give up the walking I've done so long and it is because my arthritis has gotten so bad. Now I need to get on the bike in the house. Don't like it. Do p ull weights that really make me breathe hard but mucles can only pull so long. Thanks again for all your guidance. It is apprreciated

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