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More COPD Information

My apologies to those quitters who believe that they do not have COPD. Feel free to skip this Blog since this info is for the at least 40% of our Community who do have it unfortuantely!

I recently finished Pulmonary Rehab and have been relating understanding of COPD as I have grasped it from my experience there. One last and very important piece is an explanation of CO2 Retainer. 

I've often heard the term in this context: YOU are a CO2 retainer! Or...You are not a CO2 Retainer. But what does that mean....?

Well, my curiosity wouldn't let it go and I found this explanation from the American Lung Association:

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) rentention is something that can occur in people with moderate to severe COPD.  Normal arterial CO2 range is from 35-45 mmHg.  CO2 becomes an acid in the blood, and can cause the bloods pH to change when the levels of CO2 change.  As we know, COPD is usually a slowly progressing lung disease.  When lung function declines over time, this normal range of CO2 may rise.  When it happens slowly, the kidneys retain bicarbonate to keep the pH of the blood from becoming too acidic.  All organs in the body will suffer if the blood pH is out of range.  Some people with COPD can have a CO2 level of 60mmHg or higher, but as long as this rise occures over time, the kidneys are able to compensate, and make sure the pH of the blood does not drop (become more acidic).  Even though the carbon dioxide level is higher than normal, the kidneys have compensated, keeping the blood pH in normal range.  On the other hand, if the carbon dioxide level rises quickly, the kidneys do not have time to compensate, and the pH of the blood will drop (acute respiratory failure).  This can be serious, and even life-threatening. 

So as you can see, it's very important to your kidneys to know if you are a CO2 retainer or not! Regular Doctors don't understand this so we have to!

Breathe Easy, Everybody and never ever forget - Smoking Cessation is the only remedy that has any effect in keeping you alive longer! Keep them away from your face (that goes for second and third hand smoke, too!)

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6 Replies

My Dad smoked about 48 years three packs a day.  A long story short he lost his kidneys and went on dialysis and did quit.  He lived a good life after that and has been gone for about 15 years now but he also had COPD.  When he quit he tried really hard many years ago to get me to stop but of course I was younger and smarter than that I was fine.  

Thank God I found this site I have been free for 200 days now and don't think I would have gotten this far without people like you.

Thank you Thomas.


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Do you need to have Arterial Blood Gases to know your CO2 level?  

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You may be able to find the CO2 level with a Spirometry Test but for pH balance you need ABG. Done right it doesn't hurt so much although never pleasant once a Year isn't so bad considering the important info it gives you and your medical team!

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Thank you for sharing another informative blog Thomas. 

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Interesting ! I just had this conversation today with my regular doctor! After I left his office, I went to the pulmonary doctor next to his office and made an appointment. Thanks Thomas, your information motivated me to do this.

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I have no idea if I am a retainer or not and was wondering how to find out other than ABG's. When I was in my 20's they (respiratory therapy) attempted 3 times to get blood gases while I was in the hosp. That was enough for me. It is painful for some people with very small arteries and can be hard to get.

I also wonder if the pursed lip breathing helps exhale the CO2. I now do that throughout the day as pulmonary rehab recommends.


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