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Connect with others living with health conditions


Mental Health Support

Linda, first of all... Congratulations! You're doing great for yourself and I hope that the road is smooth from here on out with only minor bumps along the way. I'm hoping that after a while we'll be able to walk past people smoking and turn around the 'if only I could' attitude into a 'if only I could help them like so many had helped me'. Oh, and lest I forget.... I wanted to tell you... 'mentally challenged', though very PC isn't as fun as how I like to consider phrasing it... try 'social underdogs'... everyone loves an underdog and it makes people smile! (Admit it... you just smiled... at least a little bit) 😃
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I joined group to support the cause i think my only mentel problem is long term brain damage from drugs im 42 yo male that feels around same age as my 22 yo son does that count big bear im ready for your quit comming soon buddy

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I joined this group for I was diagnosis with bi/polar,anxiety,and depression disorder in 2011. I'm also  a recoverying addict of almost 3 years. I'm still working on me and my disorder.

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I joined this group because not only have I been diagnosed with ADD (the innatentive form of the disorder) but I am also a caregiver for my mother who has been struggling with bi-polar disorder my entire life.  I believe that the best support starts with education and understanding.  

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Hello, I suffer from social anxiety dosorder, ADD, and am depression- prone. I'm very nervos about my quit date, since I've had bad experiences in the past trying to quit. But, I am hoping this time will be my final time and succesfull. 

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I have joined this group because I have been living with Major Depression and Anxiety and the disease of addiction all in remission for 7 plus years. I am very eager to quit smoking but I am not looking forward to the anxiety I am feeling at this moment with one day left to smoke. I tried the patch a few months back and became ill, but was told I started at too high MG so I will be starting with the 14mg Monday morning. This habit has been harder to break than any other.

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My quit date is in 9 days. I am bipolar primarily depression with anxiety disorder. I have a hard time having stability with my meds but feel fairly stable now. I am also a recovering alcoholic.  I feel I need a lot of support from this site as well as patches to be successful and hope to be a source of support myself

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I joined this group because I was diagnosis with borderline personality disorder and I suffer from depression, I believe that the main reason I smoke is because of my emotional instability and the cigarettes seem to help calm me for a while but I feel that not only is my mental health important but my physical health is equally important. I successfully quit for five years in 2003 but I relapsed and haven't had much long term success since then but I am determined to quit this time and FOR GOOD! I am a mother of four and I've been smoking a little over 15 years my biggest fear is that I will depie from cancer and my children will suffer and that destroys me to think about that. I have watched several people die of cancer in my family and it's a horrible disease it literally eats you alive from the inside out. So I am scraping my soul for any will power I can find because I am determined to quit my quit date is 2/9/14 I will fight with everything in me to win this battle and lord is our strength.......WE ARE WINNING QUITTERS!!! And we can do this

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i joined this group because i need extra help as i suffer from depression and bouts of rage.  sometimes i need to tell someone how i am feeling and i really do need help getting past these feelings without a cigarette.  the longest i ever went was 1 month which was very good for me.  this time i woul like to just leave them behind.  i will be using the inhaler.  i started smoking at age15 i am now 60.  my quit date is feb 14  also i wouldn't mind helping someone else out who is having it rough.  thank youi

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I joined this group because I suffer from major depression and anxiety. I have suffered from depression and anxiety since I was a teen. I think that got me started smoking cigs, pot and drinking. My parents brought me to a therapist once and then ditched it. They didn't understand.  I'm surprised. I thought quitting would make me more anxious and it hasn't :):):)

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So good to see a group for us with certain emotional/mental disorders or issues. I have panic/anxiety, bipolar II, PTSD. I hope I can be of help to anyone who may need some extra encouragement. I have my quit date set to 4/24/14 🙂 Good luck everyone!! And remember we are all here and doing this together!

Hugs Lisa

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