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Connect with others living with health conditions

I am here

I am sick and they discovered I have cirrosisof the liver. I have to have my gall bladder out too. I gave in and smoked two cigs. I am upset with myself guess all hope went away. I could just cry. I will be all right but I wont buy a pack. I think that I will get back on track. My daughters and son are supportive telling me to be strong. I wasn't suppose to give up. I am tired worrying and telling myself  that I have an addiction stop feeding the wound. I need support and really believe that I can quit even though I have these hang ups. I really need a good friend someone who can believe in me that I can totally quit. Thanks for listening, and a shoulder to cry upon during these adjustments in my life. Thank you for your success stories

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3 Replies

Humongous caring hug coming your way along with a ton of positive vibes and prayers for you @Freshair1966bir 🤗 I'm so sorry that you are going through all of this BUT you can and get through it plus you can get through Smokefree, believe you've got this plus we're all here to help you in any way we can! Here's a poem that's helped me I'm hoping it'll be a help to you too. 🤗



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@Freshair1966bir So sorry to hear about the medical conditions.  I know it makes no sense, but for smokers,  health concerns can lead us to smoking.  Don't be hard on yourself. You got right back on track and that's what matters.  To me, that's a slip.   I would always relapse and not even try to quit again for years.

Stay close and reach out before you smoke.  I know coming here first saved my quit several times.  It can be just enough time to refocus and get the support that many of us need.  It works!

We believe in your ability to quit.  We're here for you, so reach out anytime.



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How are you doing today, @Freshair1966bir ?

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