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Well I should be very happy right now cuz I have been smoke free for 27 days today, BUT I'm not, I feel blah, who cares, I wanna smoke just one! *SIGH* Now I feel a lil better cuz I "said" it outloud. I've been thinking for the past couple of days OH I can have one and I don't have to tell anyone that I fell, BUT I COULD NOT DO IT AND WON'T DO IT because that would be lying to myself most of all and the polar bears would win yet another one. I thought that once you added exercise into your life, things would get a lil better, they haven't yet.....I guess I was wanting miracles to happen all at once and they're not happening fast enough for me! It doesn't help that I mess my right ankle up a while back so it's really weak and is giving me problems when I do water aerobics lately...then on Friday night, some punk kids tried to break my big toe and my right foot. Not a good weekend for me. Felt very blah until the rain started, for some reason that soothed me and calmed my mood down to mellow and not tensed up. I wish there was a miracle cure for polar bear disease! I would gladly be a guinea pig for that study!! I'm guess I'm trying to deal with too many things at once and I'm going into overload. Mania is around the corner cuz I've been up since 2 am, it's now 5:30 am and not tired yet. I really hate to be manic although it should do me a favor when I go to the gym today! LOL

I guess I'm done ranting now, have to find something to do I'm very bored with myself right now.
XOXO =0)
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3 Replies

i know the feeling its my 3rd day and my husbands cigarette smells sooooo good and everyone is on my nerves im going to taie an extra klonipin in a minute i usually dont take one this early but im yelling at my animals and they love me uncondionaly have a peaceful day if possible ill keep you in my thoughts
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First  of all congratulations on being smoke free for 27 days, I have been semi free for 5 days, I have smoked 5 in 5 days, 3 of them yesterday after my trip to the ER....long story.  Did you go cold turkey? I am using the lozenges and for the most part they are working really well, I used to have smoked at least 5 by 11am!  I am amazed every time I get through an entire day without smoking and feel like sh*t when I slip the next day.  This is rough, the thing that blows my mind is I got myself off xanax much easier than quitting smoking. 

You do sound manic in your blog and I hope you have calmed down a little, I sometimes love the mania as I get so  much done and everything seems brighter and clearer....then I crash and burn and sincerely hope this hasn't happened to you.

Out of curiosity what meds are you on I am thinking of talking to my shrink to maybe change or adjust my meds as I have been feeling blue a lot more recently and if you are on something I haven't been on I would like to try something.

I am like you I wish Bi Polar could be cured too, just take antibipolarotics and BOOM you are cured LOL!  Maybe a little manic myself, not sure 🙂

Take care and keep up the good work


your friend



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I'm on Lexapro and it has done wonders for my major depressive disorder.  I also got off Xanax and it wasn't as hard as this quitting smoking:)

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