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Fruit Poker

OK, let's get some distraction, diversion, craving alleviation,  thought re-focusing going on here. 

Starting with A - name a fruit.  No duplicates allowed.  Pictures are welcome!  Until there are no other fruits with the letter A that anyone can think of (or google search - cheating) we'll move on to B.  What say ye?

I'll start with APRICOT!  I bet one apricot that you will keep your quit.

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473 Replies

Now I've actually eaten Breadfruit.  More than once.  It's wondeful!   Ate it Jamaica.  Big it is. And green.  And the tree I used to climb in the back yard.  Huge strong limbs.  Big leaves.  And roasted or baked breadfruit -..... nothing like a "fruit" as we know it.  More like a potato in it's taste.  But totally unique flavor.  Wonderful B to start out witih Sky.  It's meaty, not succulent like a fruit, kinda dry, kinda like baked bread in a way, or not unlike Plantain in it's coarse thickness. 

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Yes Sharon, onto B's for sure.  Go for it!  Why are you iin pain?

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And PS Sharon, you aren't allowed to use Banana for your choice!

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awe man stomps foot lol I will take Sky breadfruit and raise blueberries. I have shingles and trust me no fun

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Oh wow, shingles - .. no fun at all.  Blueberries, great answer.  I'll see your blueberries and raise you a billberry!  That's a fruit, isn't it?

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A billberry??

NO shingles suck!! thought I would share that with you lol

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I will see your billberry and raise you a blackberry.  Yes I think billberry is a fruit. 

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Bilberries are any of several primarily Eurasian species of low-growing shrubs in the genus Vaccinium, bearing edible, nearly black berries.  Bilberry is a plant. The dried, ripe fruit and leaves are used to make medicine.
Bilberry is used for improving eyesight, including night vision. In fact, during World War II, British pilots in the Royal Air Force ate bilberry jam to improve their night vision, but later research showed it probably didn’t help. Bilberry is also used for treating eye conditions such as cataracts and disorders of the retina. There is some evidence that bilberry may help retinal disorders.
Some people use bilberry for conditions of the heart and blood vessels including hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), varicose veins, decreased blood flow in the veins, and chest pain.
Bilberry is also used for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), hemorrhoids, diabetes, osteoarthritis, gout, skin infections, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, kidney disease, and urinary tract infections (UTIs).
It is sometimes applied directly to the inside of the mouth for mild mouth and throat soreness.


All the pictures I've snooped look like blueberries, so I don't trust the pictures.  But when you think about it - the majority of our current medicine comes from plants.  The American Indians knew that and have continued to pass on their knowledge.  Modern pharmaceutical companies have just taken that information and synthesized it into pill or potion form. 

@ Legend - Excellent - Blackberry is the last answer.  Who will raise her?....(Sorry for the deletions and reinstatements.  Trying to get rid of the extra spacing in these comments!!! aaarg)

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Is beet considered a fruit? If so raise Legend Blackberry and raise to a beet.

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A beet is a vegetable I think.

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