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Fruit Poker

OK, let's get some distraction, diversion, craving alleviation,  thought re-focusing going on here. 

Starting with A - name a fruit.  No duplicates allowed.  Pictures are welcome!  Until there are no other fruits with the letter A that anyone can think of (or google search - cheating) we'll move on to B.  What say ye?

I'll start with APRICOT!  I bet one apricot that you will keep your quit.

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473 Replies

Whew looks like we are in a heck of a trip as I had to play catch up on reading. Weee on our way to New Zealand, , Ireland, Jamaica, and  Chile wow what a wonderful excursion that would be.

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Yes we have no bananas.....

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I see your Valencia Orange Sharon and raise you a velvet apple

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@ Free we are not suppose to have bananas now we are in the V'S hahahha and there is no vanana as I know lol

@ Giulia I like your endocarp quit seed NOPE Same for me not one puff ever!

Terrie I see you velvet apple and raise you velvet Tamarind

Velvet Tamarind Fruit Pictures

Velvet tamarind comes under the Leguminosae family which is tall, growing under tropical climatic conditions and also bears fruits. The fruits are similar to the grapes and are consumable containing hard shells which must not be consumed. Since the fruit contains tamarind flavor it has its English name as tamarind. Taste is both sweet and sour, More than Tamarind it is sweeter, dryier and has powder like consistency with a firm shell. When the fruit is dried it becomes powdery and the orange color possess a tangy flavor. Every fruit contains only one firm seed which is flat, circular, brown in color with a width of 7-8 millimeters and a thickness of 3 mm. The seed is a look alike of a watermelons seed having 2 seeds. The seed has a glossy finish and has a coating of starch.

Health Benefits of Velvet Tamarind

The Velvet Tamarind fruit has a lot of medical applications. The leaf’s decoction is used to solve problems of gastric ulcer. The leaves possess a lot amount of diuretic properties helping in producing urine, also helps the heart to pump blood thus eradicating the complications of hypertension. The barks decoction has medical applications too solving tooth ache. Also the bark lowers the inflammation from the bronchial tubes solving bronchitis, the leaves decoction is also used in the treatment of jaundice , regulates the blood sugar levels by reducing the sugar levels and intensifies the insulin sensitivity thus curing diabetes. The excellent analgesic properties of the fruit aid in nullifying the menstrual pains. Helps in stopping diarrhea. The pre mature leaves of the velvet tamarind fruits are use to heal the wounds thus promoting the skin and guards it from problems like germs and moisture.

   The plant resists hot, wet, tropical climatic conditions, Mostly grows easily in the tropical climatic conditions preferably grows in the rainy areas as it needs soil which is completely drained , The tree possess the ability to grow in both good and also poor soil, Velvet tamarind trees need a partially shaded place and which is small too, The life span is 15-17 years to the maximum reported by the farmers of the locality ,But there was tree reported to have lived for 40 years , other two trees which grew in nitrogen containing soil closer to an outdoor toilet was reported to be dead when it was 5 years. The plants have a good symbiosis with soil’s bacteria the bacteria in turn helps in the production of nodules and incorporate atmospheric nitrogen into it, Parts of the nitrogen are used by the plant but some of it could be used by the surrounding plants too. 
   The plant can never be cultivated so the process of propagation is not that clearly known, but estimated of growing from the seeds in the forests.
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I see your Velvet Tamarind fruit Sharon and raise you a Victoria Plum.

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OK, I'm a cheater. I see your Victoria Plum and raise you a Velvet leaf Blueberry. And all that because I read Terrie's comment about her daughters smushing fruit under the car flooring. Had a flashback to the '60's. My mother would give us these hard candies with a jelly interior. We liked the hard candy. Not wild about the jelly. So we broke them open and smeared the jelly on the roof above the backseat. Later, we were using the car to trade in for a newer model. My sister swears that the man inspecting the interior of the car momentarily got his hair glued to the ceiling by the jelly. 

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Karen, I will see your Velvet leaf Blueberry and raise you a Voavanga fruit.

Voavanga Fruit Pictures I love your story about the jelly!

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Haha Karen loved your Jelly story too.  Hmm that fruit don't look very good lol Terrie I have no v fruit to raise.

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I am all out of V fruit, also! 

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OK then onto the W's


And I'll let someone else make the easy first W fruit choice!

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