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What are you doing today?

I am behaving today. I already wrote in the other topic 😉

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94 Replies

I know a way to get your water in!!! suck on a peppermint candy. Not only will u have fresh breath but after you will guzzle about 3 glasses of water LOL

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ok i am in a bit of shock and need to talk this out. I did the weigh in on Sun, i decided to weigh at mid week and scale shows i lost 5.4 lb already!!!!???? i can see this happening on sunday again. I even double checked to make sure i wasn't reading numbers wrong. Remember i said i am purposely eating between those bets but not overeating? i wanted to shock my body for the first week of the bet but this is a shock into just a few days. i just hope it keeps going down and not up come Sunday. How are you all today? mom woke me up awhile ago and asked if my power went out too. Yep and first thing i thought of was how was i going to drink my coffee? hahah It did come back on but i am cooking dinner for family early today before i go to work. The conditions are supposed to be hazardous by the time i go and whiteouts Not looking forward to seeing all this yet again. Have a great day to all and i am jealous to those iiving in the warmer climates 🙂

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I rode my bike ,saturday, sunday and tuesday (14 miles each day) and since monday I have been very good on tracking my calories to not go over 1200, today I am going to a zumba class after work. If until next monday I have not lost much weight I will try the shake diet. 

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Poly, it might come off slow cause it looks like you are building muscle. Keep up what you are doing. You will see results.

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@Shawn: I hope so Shawn! I feel a little discouraged sometimes, I did not go to zumba, I decided to do a walk/run (4 miles) instead, too much wind for the bike too.  What foods do you think that keeps you full longer? I am having a hard time with low calorie food, I get hungry too often now.

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Poly, maybe you're not eating enough calories for the exercising that you are doing? just a thought. Here is an aritcle on spark about foods that keep you full longer

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Well, back to it. Having bronchitis, I don't have an appetite. However, drinking the water keeps me hydrated, and that's something you DON"T want is dehydration when you're sick. Don't even feel like typing. Later, y'all!!

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Still sick and haven't eaten anything but yogurt and grapes for two days. I'm right back where I started, well, almost. Don't remember my last weigh in but I've decided to go to the YMCA to Silver Sneakers with my Hubby! (chair exercises) Then I can go to the gym and work out w/o worrying about getting in somebody's way. Drank 11 glasses of water the last two days and had not lost anything this morning. Maybe tomorrow!! Who knows?

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Don't worry about your weight, Candy. Concentrate on just feeling better. If you stomach isn't upset, push some more solid food there. By eating, you will build your strength. You're doing great on the water. I know that i won't make my 8 today. I am going away with the ladies from church to Amish country today for shopping and out to lunch. Its starting to be my yearly celebration meal for being smoke-free.

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Just got back from having our dog, Boo Boo, put to sleep. She was such a wonderful dog, and she will be missed. Made my morning smoothie and actually wanted a second one. The steroids are raging, telling me to eat, eat, eat. Decided to come and write and remove myself from the kitchen. Got a wonderful CD for meditation, hypnosis, and affirmations about weight loss. It's so special because I really love the sound of the woman's voice. Anytime I think about food, I put on my headphones and get lost in her voice and the subliminal language which is molding me into the woman I desire to be. Don't you just love it?? If anyone's interested, let me know and I'll get the name and title. I ordered it from Love ((((U)))!!

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