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Shawn's journey

Well where do i start? I love to cook and bake when I have time. I am an extreme couponer so I am always stocking up on something that most likely isn't always good for me. With the price of food these days, its hard to feed an army of guys. So you have to do what you have to do. Its pricey to buy all  fresh meats, vegetables and fruits all the time.  I can't say I am in love with food. I just eat to get by. When i used to smoke, i smoked and hardly ate which helped me to maintain my weight even though i wasn't at a healthy weight, still am not either. I used to eat once a day and my mom would always scold me and tell me that i need to eat 3x a day that i am putting my body into starvation mode. I know thats not how i got this way in my teenage years but it might be the scenario dating back 20 yrs ago to present. I have tried quite a few diets but never stuck with them cause i get discouraged when i hit plateaus.  I have done everything from Adkins, mayo and WW.  I had put on about 30 lb after i quit smoking and also after i tried my moms diet from her dr. Not sure what happened but i went the opposite way of what i was supposed to go immediately when i started hers. I know i am close to mid 40's now and going through some changes. I was able to lose that 30 when i had one day decided to order a fitbit zip and start tracking my food. I feel naked when i dont have my zip. Its on me 24/7. I really love it cause i have become more energetic with it. I dont really have an exercise plan besides walking.  When the weather warms up, i will get to the parks daily. I also get my steps in at work too. I do cleaning so i am always all over the place 🙂 Although the weight isnt coming off as it used to,  i think its cause my body has adapted to my night routine. I just started a new diet today from the book "the miracle metabolism" by Diane Kress. So day 1 is almost over and 2 more to go. You have to go through a withdrawal period of 3 days. Sound familiar to when we stopped smoking? So bear with me if i get cranky LOL. I will update you along the way. My journal, hmmm

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For those of you with fitbits, its fitbit goal day in case you didn't get the invite. There ,are awesome prizes! Here are both linksc one that explains it and the other is for the registration ...

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Let me add, if anybody was looking to get involved with a fitbit group, my friend Kathy has this one on fb.  

Time for me to get walking. Have a great weekend!

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OK, I just entered.   Thanks for letting us know.

Don't beat yourself up.

I TRULY believe that my eating, like my smoking, is an addiction.

Lately I've been saying to myself "I can have "that".       Then I worry when I get on the scale that I've gained.     Haven't.......maybe I should ... then maybe I would stop with the "I WANT" mentality.

Get back on the horse my friend.....let's keep doing this!


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Hi Shawn,

I'm totally gettin what you said about "not getting talked out of it". I have absolutely no cravings for cigarettes and I wish I could reach that point with other healthier choices but I'm finding it's very hard.

We can do this though, I think I need to relax and regroup and continue to pay attention and keep light steady pressure in the right direction.

You can do this too. We're doing great!

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We can do this and I will check out the fitbit stuff this weekend.  Working extra time trying to get off the 3 days.  Might still have to on Saturday but really trying hard not to.  :):).

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It looks like we all have some problems in one way or another. I have gained a few cause i had no choice to go off my plan. With limited money, i wasn't able to buy all the meats that i needed to buy. I can see why we have a problem in america. What we should be eating costs more. I can actually say that i miss being on it and cant wait to go back on next week. I might as well wait until after memorial day. I am not going to do the 8 weeks over again but do 2 and start weaning back in. i noticed when you dont wean, you pack on an easy 3-4 lbs almost immediately. I have been aware of changes. i do know its different this time around. It was just that one time around, i had the craves but what i thought i was missing, potatoes, corn, carrots (all my fav), didnt taste so good to me this time around. Its hard to explain. Its a good thing cause i am not allowed those until i get to goal weight and that wont be for a long, long time. 

I do apologize for not being here these last few days. I've been battling the sinuses that went into my chest. We started new chemicals at work yesterday and the one is harder to inhale. I hope its just cause i am sick,i really like the smells especially to the one that bothers me. LOL It figures. 

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I'm sorry to hear about your sinus problems. That time of year with pollens and allergies too, which probably do not help at all! I hope you get to feeling better.

Thanks for your kind words too. Time to get back on that horse for me too. I decided to walk him by the reins for now, psyching myself to get back in the saddle, but I am glad I did not put him out to pasture for good.

You are so right about the expense of things. Last year the cheapest cut of beef was the london broil at 299/lb on sale, earlier this year the lowest was 349/lb NOW all the sales papers are only going as low as 399/lb. (I mostly eat chicken)

It's a lot of work and time consuming scouring sales papers, buying bulk, freezing, canning JUST to eat healthy. Especially when it's so easy to buy from the dollar menu or $1.00 frozen dinners. BUT we must do it because those cheap things keep us weak and chained to feeling sickly as they pack on the pounds too.

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Hi Shwan just checking in.  Keep strong and do what you can.  Have a good one.  

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