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Shawn's journey

Well where do i start? I love to cook and bake when I have time. I am an extreme couponer so I am always stocking up on something that most likely isn't always good for me. With the price of food these days, its hard to feed an army of guys. So you have to do what you have to do. Its pricey to buy all  fresh meats, vegetables and fruits all the time.  I can't say I am in love with food. I just eat to get by. When i used to smoke, i smoked and hardly ate which helped me to maintain my weight even though i wasn't at a healthy weight, still am not either. I used to eat once a day and my mom would always scold me and tell me that i need to eat 3x a day that i am putting my body into starvation mode. I know thats not how i got this way in my teenage years but it might be the scenario dating back 20 yrs ago to present. I have tried quite a few diets but never stuck with them cause i get discouraged when i hit plateaus.  I have done everything from Adkins, mayo and WW.  I had put on about 30 lb after i quit smoking and also after i tried my moms diet from her dr. Not sure what happened but i went the opposite way of what i was supposed to go immediately when i started hers. I know i am close to mid 40's now and going through some changes. I was able to lose that 30 when i had one day decided to order a fitbit zip and start tracking my food. I feel naked when i dont have my zip. Its on me 24/7. I really love it cause i have become more energetic with it. I dont really have an exercise plan besides walking.  When the weather warms up, i will get to the parks daily. I also get my steps in at work too. I do cleaning so i am always all over the place 🙂 Although the weight isnt coming off as it used to,  i think its cause my body has adapted to my night routine. I just started a new diet today from the book "the miracle metabolism" by Diane Kress. So day 1 is almost over and 2 more to go. You have to go through a withdrawal period of 3 days. Sound familiar to when we stopped smoking? So bear with me if i get cranky LOL. I will update you along the way. My journal, hmmm

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Good morning! sorry that i have been MIA. I am still losing. Its about 2lb a week or so. Its been busy these past few days. On thurs, we took my son to the ER and he was admitted from there. He does come home today, thank God! I just like to be home on weekends and its been anything but. I went to a Phillipino mission festival yesterday at church. I really didnt think i was going to be able to eat anything but i was surprised. I found meatballs, cheese, pickles and they had chicken salad on rolls. i scraped that off and gave the roll to my son.hehe I did have to bake cupcakes yesterday and decorate them for a bake sale today for church. I will just drop them off because i am not sure when they are going to release my son. Thats about all the news for now. I will try to stop by your rooms to catch up. 

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Cupcakes LOVE cupcakes!!!!

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They were the skittle cupcakes. Multiple colors with the frosting. I used a recipe that everyone raved about for a buttercream. I had a slight taste of it and to me it was too sweet. I have always liked more of a whipped cream type of frosting.

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Are we supposed to be talking about skittles and cupcakes here? LOL

Thanks for your comments Shawn, I hope your son's ok and you can relax a bit today after he's released.

u doing 2lbs a week. Did I do read that right?

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yes u read that right John 🙂 one thing i realized on this low carb diet is that i am not having cravings and i am satisfied after i eat. I am surprised cause bread is what used to fill me up and thats not the case anymore since almost all carbs is out of my system. Its kind of like ridding  nicotine out of our systems, then there is no physical cravings. I do feel more energetic too! woo hooo 🙂

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OK step away, what happened to the cupcakes?  Putting prayers out for you and your Son.  ((((HUGS))))

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Hi, Shawn -- I'm going from living room to living room to apologize for being MIA for too long.  I'm spending a great deal of time on this diet and the corporate website I talked about, and also journaling everything I eat.  Have you heard of a website called  It's awesome.  You can find the caloric content of every food imaginable there, and it also calculates your carbs, sugars, fats, sodium, etc.  If you have any interest in keeping track of those things it's the best website I've found.

Sounds like you're doing great.  I can't seem to take off too much, but I'm staying happy with whatever it is.  I'm eating much healhier than I ever have before, and that means my body, whether it wants to give up the weight or not, has got to be happier.

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Good morning! 

 I've been busy lately that i haven't been on site much. Can you believe the week is almost over? I am doing good. There was a day or 2 that i didn't get my water in and it showed! As much as i know and preach, those 8 glasses must get met for the day. Now that it will be getting warmer, we will require even more than the 8. I found myself falling in that old pattern the other day of just not eating. I wasnt hungry and nothing appetized me. I gained a lb cause here i am putting my body in starvation mode again. It's hard to eat something every 5 hrs when you don't crave anything lol. Here is the dilemma i am in. I love meats, but all i eat is beef, chicken, pork, turkey. Thats it. As far a  veggies, I like some but there is alot that i dont like. I am realizing that i need to expand my horizons. Not sure if i am going to like them but i have to give it a try.. I am seeking that healthier lifestyle. I cant have carrots or corn (which are my favs) until i reach my next stage on my plan. I tried squash one time and it didnt taste good to me but i found a recipe that incorporated cream, cheese in it like a casserole. I am going to try it that way and see. I cant necessarily say forget that veggie until i try it in a different way. So i am on my eating adventure and  hunting down recipes that i can eat and that taste good. hehe. 

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You might want to try some spaghetti squash.  I like to cut in half (hard to cut) then take out seeds and sprinkle with olive oil and bake at 400 for about 30 minutes (can't remember exact time).  Take out cool for a few minutes and scrape out with fork and then add pepper fresh basil or parsley and a little paremsian cheese.  

Have fun!!

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I'll come visit and read this evening... outta time, shucks! 

have a great day today

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