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Shawn's journey

Well where do i start? I love to cook and bake when I have time. I am an extreme couponer so I am always stocking up on something that most likely isn't always good for me. With the price of food these days, its hard to feed an army of guys. So you have to do what you have to do. Its pricey to buy all  fresh meats, vegetables and fruits all the time.  I can't say I am in love with food. I just eat to get by. When i used to smoke, i smoked and hardly ate which helped me to maintain my weight even though i wasn't at a healthy weight, still am not either. I used to eat once a day and my mom would always scold me and tell me that i need to eat 3x a day that i am putting my body into starvation mode. I know thats not how i got this way in my teenage years but it might be the scenario dating back 20 yrs ago to present. I have tried quite a few diets but never stuck with them cause i get discouraged when i hit plateaus.  I have done everything from Adkins, mayo and WW.  I had put on about 30 lb after i quit smoking and also after i tried my moms diet from her dr. Not sure what happened but i went the opposite way of what i was supposed to go immediately when i started hers. I know i am close to mid 40's now and going through some changes. I was able to lose that 30 when i had one day decided to order a fitbit zip and start tracking my food. I feel naked when i dont have my zip. Its on me 24/7. I really love it cause i have become more energetic with it. I dont really have an exercise plan besides walking.  When the weather warms up, i will get to the parks daily. I also get my steps in at work too. I do cleaning so i am always all over the place 🙂 Although the weight isnt coming off as it used to,  i think its cause my body has adapted to my night routine. I just started a new diet today from the book "the miracle metabolism" by Diane Kress. So day 1 is almost over and 2 more to go. You have to go through a withdrawal period of 3 days. Sound familiar to when we stopped smoking? So bear with me if i get cranky LOL. I will update you along the way. My journal, hmmm

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87 Replies

I'm a bread lover too! I love having some bread with my butter. but alas I've stayed away from it for a while now. 

You're really doing good Shawn. Your energy is contafgious. You made two great suggestions for topics so I added two topics. Menu's and Recipes. Helpful Tips.

Great Ideas thanks. 

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Thanks for the info on the fitbit. Those are some fancy smancy gadgets. But so useful and motivating.

Let me know how your Stevia bread comes out. I make my own bread weekly, same white bread recipe, I know it by heart. Seldom do I buy bread. I've stopped making it for a couple weeks now so it's not in the house to eat.

When I start making bread again I'm going to focus on perfecting a rye bread recipe. One step away from white. (wemember, white is wong and buown is white.) LOL

Have a great day Shawn!!!

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Loved that ooopsi roll recipe I gonna tryi it soon, Thanks

I've got to try that Durian one day but it will be an outdoor event. I brought fried chicken feet to a family gathering dinner one time. Big Hit "NOT!"

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I wrote an Oopsie review on that discussion board (Menu+Recipe) It was very good.

Choo Choooo.. Go Freedom Train! You ROCK!

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thanks i commented there. I am done. Its already now 🙂 I have a recipe for garlic bread and it looks delicous but it requires almond and coconut flour. No way am i paying 12.00 for a bag of flour. Will have to be on hunt for something else. hehe My son told me this morning to make those buns again. He likes them. 🙂

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Well, you'd better make some more then!

I froze mine, I'm always going to keep some handy. I'm going to (Show & Tell) them for my Niece and Sister, They're off breads and grains now but was complaing about not having that quick thing to make a sandwich or something with.

I saw coconut flour at Ocean State Job Lot, didn't check price though. (I'll check next time) I think you can blend your oun almonds with your blender into flour (depending how much you need)

You found my weak spot.... FOOD. Doesn't have to be unhealthy though. 

Have a good evening, (And thanks for sharing)

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All I can say is you guys are making me hungry:):).

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Shawn, I hope it was ok to repost this here. I'm sure I've heard this before, But it is so poignant to our group, I wanted it somewhere here. I think it's profound in the aspect that people will literally put hemselves in misery to lose a pound..... only to gain it back.... because they never really changed.

Thank You so much!

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Hey again, I used the pic for our group avatar (You all think OK???)

Shawn, did you read the DIET definition beside the avatar? A "DIET" as generally percieved (nowadays)  focuses on results.

DIETE, DIAITA and DIAITASTHAI are all manners of living, and that's what we need to change for results to happen.

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Good Morning Shawn.  Just stopping by to say Hi!!  

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