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My Journey to "Back to Healthy"

Well I'm 53 and I quit smoking on 12/28.  The next week I went out and bought a fitbit to get me moving more so I would keep control of the weight gain.  I am as of this morning 161.  When I started my quit back on 12/28 I was 155.  I am not looking for skinny I have no desire for that at all.  With my walking I have had some issues with my knees and hips and know if I can get down 10 pounds I will be able to move easier.  

I know you might think 10 pounds is easy peasy.  It's not for me.  I have always been able to control my eating at night.  It is just a habit to eat small at dinner and nothing else period.  I brush my teeth and even if I go to bed a little hungry that's OK.  

Even though this has controlled my weight to a certain point I eat a lot during the day and don't have much control over it.  I stress eat and geeze do I have a lot of stress at work.  I have started walking 3 times a day at work and two of the walks are small walks but they do help and distract me.

I really want to cut back slowly I would totally fail if I tried something like you are doing Donna.  I just don't have that much control with food.  Still Matcha tea free but once I get it I will happily report on how it is.  

PS:  did not do any cut back today on food but did get at 5:45PM 8,515 steps so did not get my 10,000.  Once it warms up I can do a little walking in the evening but too cold still.  

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163 Replies

Gosh, Bonnie, I hope you get some sleep.  

I had an amazing Chicken Caesar Salad for dinner, might have had a "little" too much dressing but it was soooooo good.

So glad you stopped smoking too!

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Good Morning Bonnie,

I hope you slept well, It's just terrible when the mind whirs and whirs. But hopefully you slept well and you make it through hump day triumphantly. What kind of job do you work at?

Easy does it.... Have a lighter day today. (Remember) N.O.P.E.

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I'm so sorry you have to be up at 3 a.m.!!  Or did I misunderstand that?  You're doing great in your quit and we're all learning that you can't rush this eating/exercise thing.  We have an easy way to measure our daily progress with our quits -- if we don't light a cigarette and put it to our lips in a day we have measurable success.  Everything moves a little more slowly in the fitness/weight arena, and I think it took me a while to realize that.  It's  a lifestyle change that isn't as great as the quit requires, but still pretty major.  I'm not snacking and that's going to make a big difference. 

Sorry to digress -- I hope your job gets a little less stressful and that you can get some rest!

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I think there are a lot more variables to contend with BUT BUT BUT...., If we relearn our habits and impulses and learn to eat for fuel and not reward. 

everytime we are concsious of not being impulsive, reckless, excessive is the exact same thing as not giving into the crave...... And yes it will take retraining and yes it will take longer to see a difference (not long to feel it though) 

What I am striving for is shaping/changing my daily activity in a manner that I actually achieve that aha moment about my physical endurance and appearance. When I retrain myself so the results of my habits (not will power) make me feel and look better.

You hit the nail on the head Donna... A core value of the group is exactly about this topic. I THINK IT'S GOOD you recognized things move slower so our resolve and willpower has to last longer until we have that aha moment. 

Sorry for the ramble and if I don't stop now who knows how long it will last. G'nite

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Did good on the scale this morning at 160.8 and it's almost 6:00 and have 9,505 steps.  Still dealing with major stress and most likely will for a lengthy time.  Diet was most good today the 80/20 rule applied.  

the Journey continues.

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160.8 is wonderful! NICE! Maybe be satisfied with that for a couple weeks and focus your energy towards de-stressor excercises & education. We have NO CONTROL of what the day deals us. We are on a health journey.  ReLearning Habits takes time. Just saying...... be gentle with yourself..... maybe even with others even if you do want to punch them in the nose. (OR just punch them in the nose and be done with it) Either way... I'm a male cheerleader rooting you on (not a pretty sight) LOL

Did you know Chamomile tea helps with insomnia? (and boasts other benefits too)

Have a good one Bonnie and may your day be lighter than yesterday.

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Left at 4:30 this morning so did not have time to excercise but still had a chance to walk two short walks at work and came home and did a 15 minute mile with Leslie Sansone 5 Mega Miles.  I can't tell you how much I love these DVD's they not only work your legs but you also get your core and arms involved.  

This morning had another good one at 160.2 but I'm only at 8,323 and I did do something I normally don't do and I stopped by subway on the way home and got a 6 inch sub.  

Happy Friday Eve everyone.  

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Maintaining is good Bonnie. Good Job. I'm off for the weekend visiting family couple hours away. Got tea in my thermos, but battling with carrot sicks or potatoe chips for the ride. 

Have a great weekend. It was nice shawn popped in. I wish all members would start thier own discussion page (AKA living room.)

See ya, have a nice weekend!

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Picked up the Dr Phil 20/20 plan at the Walmart this morning.  Not sure about Dr Phil but have heard good things about the book.  Will let you know.

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Hi Bonnie. I have a fitbit too. Here is my link,,,

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