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My Journey to "Back to Healthy"

Well I'm 53 and I quit smoking on 12/28.  The next week I went out and bought a fitbit to get me moving more so I would keep control of the weight gain.  I am as of this morning 161.  When I started my quit back on 12/28 I was 155.  I am not looking for skinny I have no desire for that at all.  With my walking I have had some issues with my knees and hips and know if I can get down 10 pounds I will be able to move easier.  

I know you might think 10 pounds is easy peasy.  It's not for me.  I have always been able to control my eating at night.  It is just a habit to eat small at dinner and nothing else period.  I brush my teeth and even if I go to bed a little hungry that's OK.  

Even though this has controlled my weight to a certain point I eat a lot during the day and don't have much control over it.  I stress eat and geeze do I have a lot of stress at work.  I have started walking 3 times a day at work and two of the walks are small walks but they do help and distract me.

I really want to cut back slowly I would totally fail if I tried something like you are doing Donna.  I just don't have that much control with food.  Still Matcha tea free but once I get it I will happily report on how it is.  

PS:  did not do any cut back today on food but did get at 5:45PM 8,515 steps so did not get my 10,000.  Once it warms up I can do a little walking in the evening but too cold still.  

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163 Replies

No worries; I don't look like that guy. He's skinny! 

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hahaha on the guy losing i read back to your yogurt comment, Bonnie with the cinnamon on top. It reminds me of the benefits of cinnamon. (authentic cinnamon)

I am thinking that the mideasterners already knew this and have applied it to their cooking long ago. Cinnamon is widely used in mediterranian dishes. I remember my friend that is Greek, uses it in spaghetti sauce. I can't say i have tried it that way but would be interesting to try.

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I love coming here.  I love to laugh and you guys really help.  Had some yogurt with the walnuts and raisins and store bought cinnamon.  still good for you, again today.  It's also good with apples cut up.  Yum.  Not as good as oreos but almost.  

Came in a little higher this morning at 158.8.  

Did OK today making it through end of quarter and a business partner out.  Did get a lot of walks in, 5:00 and 11.757 steps in.  Shawn you won't be able to see this till I sink which is about once a week.

Spaghetti and cinnamon NOT!!!

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Good morning! why do you only sync once a week? that should be at least daily. 11,757 is great!!! if u keep doing that, up your goal to 12,000. I need to get back to 10,000. Been doing an average of around 6500. Thats low for me when i dont get my daily walk in the mornings. I will be starting that soon. Can't wait til i can ween back yogurt. Yours sound delicious! Spaghetti might not be too bad if u hide that cinnamon hahaha. I like my sauces slightly on the sweeter side, so alot of basil in it. I could mask the cinnamon somehow i am sure 🙂 I would just have to buy the real stuff, not the 1.00 bottle! LOL Have a good day!

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If I had a computer that was on a lot that would sync then it would not be an issue but I don't so once a week is good enough.  Sometimes I want to review so I will do in the middle of the week.  Not a great eating day so tomorrow will most likely reflect it.  Have a great evening everyone.

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Good Evening Bonnie, Just saying hi. I read the Cinnamon articl but I'm missed the spag + Cinn story. Just talking about all this stuff is interesting. I did my 4 days and will probably relax or do seaweed soups, salads + snacks. My fav / only oriental shop sold out to a Taiwanese guy. So sad, She was wonderful and her shop was lively and packed. This guy didn't know nothimg and the shelves were bare. 

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Hi, Bonnie -- I'm going from living room to living room to apologize for my absence from the group lately.  Lots going on.  Working the diet, trying to get exercise in, still waiting for my fitbit.  Wow, you are doing great on yours, and I will probably be contacting you for some tips on how to get those steps in!

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Have not weighed in yet today but yesterday was 158.6.  Working more and more overtime at work so won't have as much time here during the week.  Clocked in yesterday at 5:20 and clocked out at 4:18.  It woud have been OK if I woud have slept the night before but with the almost hour drive to and from and work I am just pooped.  Still getting in a lot of steps spending a large portion of my lunch wallking.  still smoke free so life is good.  See you guys when I can.  XOXOXOXO

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That is a busy schedule and glad u r still getting in those steps. I used to smoke on my lunch breaks and after i quit, i started to walk around outside instead. Others would even join me too. Just make sure u can your sleep. It does the body good! 🙂 

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Came in this morning at 158.8 but after this week I will take it.  Did OK on eating this week the word OK is a little stretch.  The company brought in catered breakfast one day then pizza another day.  Balanced it out a little by eating pretty good the rest of the days but really could not say it was a 80/20 week.  Did not get my steps in to 10,000 yesterday or today but that's OK too.  

I did not smoke and this is Friday so life is good.  Meeting a friend tomorrow for a movie and a little fun.  

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