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Exercising and Health

I am walking every day as long as there is no rain. 30 minutes a day. I probably wasted that much time smoking in the past. Yesterday I rewarded myself with a Wii and a Wii fit so now I can do a work out at home. Especially when I can't get out and walk, winter is coming. Although I will enjoy the walks in the cool weather. Once I get a new job, it may be too dark by the time I get home.
  208 smoke free days!
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Hi all!
  My goal is to start working out tomorrow. Any one have any tips on how to begin without killing myself? I thought since I was going to help my body by not smoking, I should help it get back into shape as well. Today is almost day 6, and my last day of eating whatever/whenever I want to help ease out of smoking, so I have a little extra work to make up for.
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Just checking in with all you great ladies.....sorry it's been so long since I have signed in! How is everyone doing? I am feeling very discouraged at the moment....I have been watching my diet and exercising pretty regularly since the first of the year but have not lost any weight and/or inches. It is so frustrating!!!!! My husband keeps telling me to give it time but I am running out of patience!!

  Sounds like you are doing very well, angeleyes. How do you do it? You must be a whole lot more dedicated then I am!! Although I have to admit that when I did the Wii Fit (great program...I am definitely thinking of getting it!) at my sister-in-laws that it said I had a normal Body Fat Ratio and it even put my Wii Age at 6 years younger then I am -- wooooooo hoooo! But I don't feel comfortable in my body...

  A friend of mines co-worker got so discouraged with her weight gain that she started smoking again but I think she probably just used it as an excuse - BAD GIRL!!! No matter what, I still tell myself that SMOKING IS NOT A WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM!

  Have a wonderful smoke free day.....I have now been smoke free for 5 months and 2 Days. I need a Counter. Which one is the best to download?

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I've just joined this group. Walking will be a part of my quit strategy because it is a great reliever of stress and energy, will help me stay (get) fit, and is free. Plus, I enjoy it.

  I wanted to start walking today - and I still may - but it was 20 below at seven this morning and the radio said that we will have a high of +3 without the windchill. I'm not very motivated at the moment.

  I am not quit yet, I think that I will set my quit date for Febuary 1st, but am not firm in that decision. I will start walking before that, I hope, if it gets warmer.
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Good Morning! Sorry I haven't been on here in a long time, but Jan. 1 I started eating better. I call it a diet, but really shouldn't because it's the way I should always be eating. I've been quit smoking for 4 mo. 1 week and I gained 10 lbs, but I've lost 3 so far. I can't add working out to my "do good things for me" because I've been doing it ever since I quit smoking. I suppose I would have gained a lot more by now if I hadn't been working out all that time. My worst times are at night watching T.V. Mostly I snack on vegies dipped in lowfat ranch dressing, but every now and then, I blow it and have to have popcorn or peanuts, etc. I know popcorn isn't all that bad, but it just isn't good without the butter & salt. It is a little easier to eat right by now, but the first few months of not smoking, just took too much will power to not smoke, so I didn't have any left over for dieting, but it is easier now. I'm committing to you guys right now....NO JUNK FOOD TODAY!
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Hi Kalaine... Good luck with your coming quit! I'm sure I wouldn't be out walking when it's that cold, either! Is there any way you could invest in a treadmill? It's been a lifesaver for me this winter. I live in sunny California, but on the days that it's too cold for me to walk, I do the treadmill. I have a T.V. right in front of it, so it's not so boring. Quitting smoking sure did require physical activity for me!
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Hi Kathy... Please don't do like your friend of a friend did & start smoking again! I've been there, done that many times in the past. I remember the feeling of just being so depressed & down on myself that I didn't care if I lived or died, but I sure wasn't going to die fat. Well, that was the old me talking. This time I've used this site to learn everything I need to know to have a successful quit. There have been days when I spent the entire day on here, but by golly, I made it this time. I think when I hit the 4 mo. mark, I hit a milestone of not thinking about smoking most of the time. I like your comment that "Smoking is not a Weight Loss Program." Just hang in there & try writing down what you eat in a day for about a week. Then hopefully, you can see where you could cut down or change something.
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Hello, Ladies (and possibly Gents as well!)

  Welcome to the group Kalaine! You have made the wisest decision of your life...quitting will improve your life soooo much! Hope you are still planning on it very soon. We will all be there for you so just holler whenever you need us for support and/or advice. It was way below zero here in Illinois last week (in fact we had a water pipe freeze in spite of all our precautions) also so I can definitely relate with you concerning our ability to get out and exercise. I have an eliptical but have not been using it as much as I should.....just too busy lately.
  Sylvia, thanks so much for the pep talk! I wish it were possible for me to stay on this site for an entire day when I am having a depressing, feel bad about myself day! Anyway, I am trying harder to eat better and will definitely follow your advice about writing down my food intake for a week or so (I will probably be shocked at how much junk I really do eat!). I still have some thoughts of smoking but they are generaly very short lived so I can no longer use that as an excuse....I think I just got into the habit of eating more then I used to.

  God Bless you all,,,,,,

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Hi to everyone! I am new to this group and this site and just taking a look at things and getting ideas to help with this big task ahead! I am worried about the chance of weight gain and I know to some that seems like a superficial reason for not quitting, but I weighed over 200 before and am so terrified of weighing that again. I work out faithfully (although lately it has not been quite as faithfully) and try to eat as healthy as I can (rarely do fast food or fried stuff and try to do lots of fruits and veggies). My MD says that if I continue to work out and eat right I will be fine and even if I do gain a little, once my body adjusts to no smoking I will have no problem losing it again. Hope she is right!!!!! So wishing everyone the best of luck and a great day!
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Just checking in to see how everyone is handling their weight and quit issues!! I am hoping it is possible to do both??
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Hello , My names Carol and Just noticed this group because quititing smoking
  and getting fit go together for me , Because cigarettes have prevented me from
  exercising , But unfortunetly Im still a smoker and I plan to quit this week. I
  was going to quit this weekent but with super bowl here I think it will be easier
  this week when thing s go back to normal. How is everyone in this group doing?
There is always someone who needs your attention on ex. Let's ensure everyone has someone supporting them.
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