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Improving the EX Community - We Need You (Again!)

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 4 56

We're committed to making your experience of the EX Community as great as possible. Many of you have already given us some really helpful feedback in response to the request for FAQs back on August 6. 

We'd like to dig deeper by talking to a few of you directly by phone or Skype. Please private message me if you're interested in sharing your thoughts about EX during a short one-on-one interview. Your confidential remarks and ideas will help us to improve the Community's ability to serve your needs in the near future.

​Who, me?
It would be great to hear from both longtime, established members as well as those of you who are brand new--or somewhere in-between.

How do I sign up?
Please private message me if you're open to an interview. We will follow up about scheduling and next steps.


would be happy to talk with you. But I don't have much to offer.

Mona Simmons


sure no problem!!


sure call any time.


Feel free to contact me 🙂

About the Author
This account is run by a team of EX Community Administrators. It's an honor and a privilege to help the members of this community each and every day. We love the mix of people here getting support and giving it to others. You're all something to someone. We are inspired by the many, many amazing people who come here to help others.