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ubananc-y's Status Update on 05/20/2014

Back in the Ball Game, but often on the bench, I changed my quit day to 5/29, (my birthday) because I quit the quit. This date has more meaning attached to but it is more likely an excuse to at best postpone quitting. I think fear is the root of my difficulty quitting because then my medical condition becomes real. (I don't have any symptoms right now. I seem to be a baby addict who doesn't want to quit because I absurdly equate smoking with living and there is less of an anti-smoking movement in KY. In short I seem to want to smoke, but I don't want the consequences and have "gotten away with it" for so many years. The person I did the fear inventory (personally experienced in another addiction, but never a smoke) said I seem to like the struggle. Why don't I just put the patch on my arm and be done with it? That seems easier but I am afraid. The patch has worked to a significant degree in the past, but I am afraid it will lose its "magic," just like the cigarette tracking did. In short, I have enough insight but have to DO IT! Has anybody been in this crazy state before and can you help? Thankis.
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