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snuff41's Status Update on 01/22/2010

I like just about all kind's of music.I grew up with my mom,grandfather and uncle.So I can go from listening to metal bands such as Slipknot and Cradle of Filth to listening to C.C.R and Lynard Skynard.I just cannot stand rap music and the only country I'll listen to is Jhonny Cash and Willie Nelson.As for movie's.Well,I'm picky about those.I wont watch movies based on book's I've read.I made the mistake of doing that with Twilight,I was disappointed with that.I've seen that new movie Avatar five time's already.But mostly when it comes to movies.I like science fiction and fantasy.Movie's like Star Wars and the new Star Trek.The new Star Trek was amazing.It's the first movie I wished to be longer.Anyway.Hope you're doing fine.And I nearly lost my streak,Yesterday was a stressful day and I nearly had cigarette but decided against it and bought a pack of sugar free gum.
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