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sam354's Status Update on 07/21/2012

Ah- the challenges you've faced and are facing can't be understated. I'm lucky in that even though I didn't quit two years ago, I did keep to some things. I moved and cultivated all non smoking friends, and for 2 years only smoked at home and never out. That's helped a lot. My fiancee was also an artist and whenever he visits his old group smoking becomes a challenge. However your response on my message board tells me you are strong, realize you are sick of it, and making the climb. You've been through a lot, big big changes, cultural adaptation is no mean feat. I will in fact be moving back to the Netherlands next year (lived there for five years before- my fiancee is a dutch man) and I remember the challenges! It's so hard, and I hope your support around you helps? I hope you work on your gallery! Its a fabulous idea. Keep me posted and I will do the same. I learned a West African Proverb from a friend from Sierra Leone- Aim for the Mountain, Aim for the Sky. That way if you fall, you end up on the mountain. 🙂 Warm wishes for a great evening!
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