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ncahippie's Status Update on 12/08/2009

Been a smoker for 25 years. I tried to quit a few times, 3 months being the longest As a young child, I hated the smell of cigs and was always annoyed with my mother's smoking. BUT Here is a secret I have NEVER revealed to ANYONE: It is quite embarrasing. As far as very early adolesence, I became increasingly attracted to pretty female smokers. This became my ultimate fantasy. I searched through my mom's Womens' magazines looking for the lady cigarette ads. This was my "porn" of choice. This is also still my weakness. I originaly started to smoke because I wanted to be with a smoker (I also know that me smoking is most likely not going to increase my chances of that acceptance) It is still a very strong fetish that I can't ignore. I do not want to smoke anymore. At the same time, I still am more so attracted to smokers, and the prospect of dating a [feminine] smoker really excites me. I guess I'm just cursed. Maybe someone here knows some sort of method to wash my feelings out? Or at least reduced? As far as triggers go, besides the usual coffee and after meals, I want to smoke when some cute woman in eye's reach is smoking. Also, sexual arrousal is usually accompamied by a smoking fantacy and is a trigger to smoke. If it were not for this fetish, I could easily quit, and I would have never even started in the first place. Ok, Let the flames begin...
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