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moody_9-18-13's Status Update on 09/01/2014

Linda, September will always be special. What I've learned on my journey is every single day of life is a day to celebrate. I'm not sure I will do anything differently on my anniversary. I just hugged my husband tonight, really tight and told him he is my favorite person in the world, he said the same. I am happy with who I have grown to be this past year, so I celebrate everyday and so very glad to be at this point in life that I can. I only wish I had figured this out years ago! Ahh, but we know now why we cannot hide behind that cloud of smoke and expect to live a full life. I think of your first blogs and how you described the relationship with smoking and your words struck a chord, because I totally understood you. We will move forward, no looking back. Hugs, Moody
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