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kristin2013's Status Update on 02/22/2011

thank u so much for checking up on doing ok..just having a rough time right now..but im hanging in there! Til smoke free but i did buy a e-cig on friday when i was freaking out...i went to the store in tears and almost broke dwn and bought a pack and i saw the e-cig that had cartridges with NO nicotine so u broke dwn and bought be honest Im so glad I did cuz if i wld of smoked 1 cig i wld of had to start over and i wld of probally smoked the whole back and became a smoker again but i used the e cig to get me through the night and i only took three drags ofrf of it and put it away..havent used it since so im looking at it like a got me through a time when i thought i needed to smoke and found out i didnt! So im thankful it was on the counter that day or i wld of thrown a away my quit due to being overwhelmed and stressed! I survived though! : ) hope u r having a great day! N.O.P.E.
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