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jim_taddeo's Status Update on 10/18/2008

Hi Guilia,
The snowmen I will photograph this year just as soon as a good wet snow comes down...They usually keep people away but are not intended to LOL....The woodburnings are my original work from my original photography, eddie is pumpkin I carved last year and it scared the shit out of everyone including those that play at being hard.. 🙂 .......I abused myself so hard and long that I should be dead. My friends thought I was going to die many times. I know the only reason I'm here at all is the Almighty made it that way. I will not be surprized at all when a diagnosis of some type or other is read aloud and I will accept it and likely deserve it. I am grateful to be here and I try to share the depths of my experiences. I am very much DONE with using anything at all and I KNOW IT! As hwc puts it below, the "mindset" is the key. I too, am an old hand at recovery, and yet a newbe to the smoking quit. Still I know, I have the mindset, that I am done for good. I'll be here for a long time just as long as HP see's fit to leave me around and a good sense of humor has proven invaluable in not completely loosing my mind.......LOL....I think.........Thanks for being here. I'm going to try and do the same thing for my fellow addicts.
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