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jay23's Status Update on 01/26/2010

I quit twice before for 6 and 8 months and gave into the little voice that said just one pack won't hurt. I went to my doctor this time and he suggested Chantix. Its been working miracles for me! It's not a silver bullet. You have to want to quit!!!!!!!!!!! But it has wiped about 90 percent of the physical cravings. You have handle the habit urges like after coffee, meals or during boredom. Its expensive at 150 dollars a month but that was what I was spending on cigarettes monthly. You can quit. Don't beat yourself up! Make today day number 1 and try again. THis website has been a huge help for me. I'll probably be on it frequently tonight so keep in touch and I'll try and help you, O.K.? My wife and I have a doctors appointment but I'll probably check in at 7. Our first baby is on the way.
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