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familyis1's Status Update on 08/29/2010

Howdy Al, Thanks for the message you left on my board. Not smoking is the hardest thing I've ever tried to do but I know that God and people Praying for me is going to help me quit. I talked to my family about it yesterday and they said they all support me in this and actually my mom started crying. I let them know that more than likely I'll be hard to get along with at first and no matter how bad I got and begged for a cigarette just say no. So yesterday my mom told my sister to go outside and smoke and I put a container out there with water in it so the can throw their cigarettes in there instead of putting sand in it. That way you can't smoke a wet cigarette butt. I actually got mad at myself this morning because when I first woke up the 1st thing I did was reach for a cigarette. I know this is going to be hard so Please keep Praying for me and let your friends know also. I'm really gonna' need it. Thanks
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