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butt-kicker's Status Update on 02/22/2010

Hi Debi! Thank you so much for being here for me and being my friend here! I am going up to see my sister on Wed. she is in N.H. Her cancer is incurable so they are just doing whatever to make her comfortable. It's crazy and my heart feels like it's been wrung out. Every time I think I am done crying I think of our whole lifetime - it's so sad and so difficult. Funny how all the other stuff got so small so quickly. There is a lesson right there for people to see. At the end of the day , the petty stuff is just that, petty and small.We cannot erase our past , where we come from, who we are as a result. I really do love my family. They do act crazy sometimes, but so does the rest of the world I suppose. I am so proud of you and how far you've come with your quit. I hear you about gaining weight. It's freaking me out too. Seems like the more I try to lose, the more I gain.I know it's not funny and we have to try to be more mindful of what we eat, I guess. No easy task right now, huh? Not for me either Deb. I will keep trying though, you do the same. Just don't give up. It'll kick in soon. I think our bodies are just adjusting to this new stuff,,lol Well, Girlfriend, I love & miss you! Stay well and I will be in touch. I have an iphone. I just need to figure out how to get this site on that little browser. I'm gonna try to stay in touch. I'll be up there for 13 Days as it stands right now. Love Ya! Diane
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