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Stac2's Status Update on 07/12/2013

Jim, hey not to beat a dead horse but I just remembered something. A while back I blogged about being bugged that I too had thoughts regarding sickorettes that I didn't like. I received some great advice. Wanted to share given your blog the other day... A thought is only a thought. It has no power at all if you don't act on it. Hell, I think about ice cream after dinner just about every night. Or Dr. Pepper (yeah, sometimes I was silly enough to drink that much caffeine before bed, go figure... I love Dr. Pepper). Anyway, I just let the thought come in, say "no thanks, I don't do that anymore," then I go on to the next thing like finishing dinner w/ husband, logging onto this site, doing some paperwork, washing the dishes, enjoying some tv, etc.... Point is, thought comes but since I don't dwell it goes. Do I wish I didn't want ice cream every night since I am so overweight? Yup. But at least I don't act on it and there is no ice cream in that fridge! I hope this helps friend.
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