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Sootie's Status Update on 04/10/2010

Hi Debi---yes, it is that kind of "oh skip it day"!!! It got cold here again--which is JUSTsooooooooooooo depressing after being almost 80 for over a week. It was just wonderful. Now---blah!! I had a crummy day because I was stuck in stupid meetings all morning and I hate meetings. This one was particularly stupid because it was supposed to be on playground safety standards which I do really need up to date info on---but the presenter was one of those "cutsey" presenters who wanted interactive "games" so he had us "design" a play ground---anything we wanted, no cost limits. OK---well no cost limits is stupid ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNND I am SORRY!!!! WOW!! Where did that come from??? Did you fall asleep during that rant?? Man---do I need a weekend!!! Well take care---4 minutes on the ellip and then treat yourself to several delicious celery sticks and hey--live it up---throw some carrot sticks in there too. Take care.
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