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Denise1961's Status Update on 01/20/2020

I’m great full for all of your comments! One hour at a time and keeping my head in the here and now. I can’t do anything about my upcoming surgery right now except not smoking! The horrors I have going through my mind about my surgery have not happened and as of today are not real. Habits are my issue today. If I do this or that then I can sit down and take a cigarette break. My reward system is obviously broken! 
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3 Replies

Welcome to Ex. Right, the reward was a big deal with smoking. But one day at a time you learn to attach to activities and routines without remembering smoking. And that is sweet revenge on the nasty addictive nature of nicotine. Ex is here for you 365. 🙂

The reward cigarette is hard to break is true, but the beginning the only breaks I took consisted of a walk outside otherwise I kept busy...then I slowly started putting rewards in like going and have my nails done, work on a jigsaw puzzle, etc., think of rewards that are different from creative...You can do this...Colleen 413 DOF 
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Agreed.  The reward cigarette was the hardest for me.  I had to replace it with some other activity.   Glad you not smoking so your surgery to take place.   You're doing the right thing for yourself.   Congrats.