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The blog logo

Is there any way to get rid of the blog picture logo?


What purpose does it serve?
The old platform allowed you to right click on the titles and open unlimited posts (in other tabs) as you wanted and then respond to them one at a time.

Now we have to scroll down one at a time to get to a post.

Can't we just have the title of a persons blog?

What's the point of having 40% of a picture showing?

Screen Shot 04-29-21 at 06.03 AM.JPG


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3 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager

@JonesCarpeDiem wrote:

Is there any way to get rid of the blog picture logo?


What purpose does it serve?
The old platform allowed you to right click on the titles and open unlimited posts (in other tabs) as you wanted and then respond to them one at a time.

Now we have to scroll down one at a time to get to a post.

Can't we just have the title of a persons blog?

What's the point of having 40% of a picture showing?

Screen Shot 04-29-21 at 06.03 AM.JPG


Can we get rid of “blog” image: In order for us to have Journals/Blogs enabled we have to have a default image.  Thus you see the image with red blocks if the person doesn’t include an image with their post.  There is no way to get rid of it unless you include your own image in the post.  It will use the top image to display in the teaser. 

Why does only a percent of my image show:  I suspect it is because the image has more than 400 pixels tall so the widget is set to show the first 400px tall or a percentage of the image if it’s taller.  If you chose to show the image in your post not at full size then perhaps it would display fully in the Journal teaser on the Journals / Blogs home page. When you insert an image try the small or medium option to see if it previews at full height.  The default image is 400px x 400px. 

Can just the title show:  Possibly.  But I also think it’s nice to see some of the images people post in their Journals. It probably invites people to click on the Journal Article to read it.  You’re viewing the auto generated Article Teaser. Removing this differentiator would then make it as though Discussion Topics are the only “post type” on the community.  

Right clicking on title to open in new tab: This should work on the title and / or “more >” link just as it did before.  

EX Community Admin Team
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All the scrolling to get to the next post and right click on it wastes a lot time.

Is there a way in preferences to just have the titles show?


I thought we got rid of the teaser???

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@JonesCarpeDiem wrote:

All the scrolling to get to the next post and right click on it wastes a lot time.

@JonesCarpeDiem I can see how it can be more time for you. I don't know however if other people interact in the way you're describing. 

@JonesCarpeDiem wrote:

Is there a way in preferences to just have the titles show?

Doubtful as this is specific to one particular widget I'll see what I can find though.

@JonesCarpeDiem wrote:

I thought we got rid of the teaser???

Yes, the teaser isn't a field you can enter info in anymore, it's there, just not visible. Since it is left blank, the teaser is made automatically by the site.  In the image below the Black section is the Cover photo or first image in the post if there isn't a cover photo. Green Section is the auto generated teaser. I've edited your post and added cover photo and now it doesn't get cropped. Changing the display size didn't change how it cropped in the teaser section when no cover photo was applied.



EX Community Admin Team
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