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Nicotine Patches- Helpful?


Today is day one for me in the fight to stop vaping. I'm experiencing some pretty bad physical consequences such as shaking, brain fog, and nausea. I have an active job, and I don't really have time to be sick. Would it be worth it to consider the nicotine patches? I read the resources from this cite, but I feel a little bit like its giving into addiction and throwing in the towel. Can anyone offer their perspective?

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2 Replies

Since noone has answered yet, I'd say slap on a patch now, give yourself a chance.  Everything I know about them, they are effective.  Do a search on the home page and I'm sure you will find information from those with experience.  Don't smoke!  Distract, take a walk down the hall, look around at the sky, make tea, watch a video....

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Do you have one of those squeeze ball or spinners, like the kids use?  Kids use them just for stress release and something to do when they get fidgety.  Mint, mouthwash, whistle a tune, take a selfie....

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