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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


The Daily Pledge May 2018


Happy May everyone and welcome to the Daily Pledge in the Celebrations & Events community where we can meet daily to take another person's hand and make our commitment stronger.


Everyone knows that April showers bring May flowers, but if you don’t like gardening, then what do you do?

For everyone else, May means summer is about to start, kids are almost out of school, and the weather is getting hotter - but there's a lot more to it than all that. Here are 3 interesting facts about May that you may not know about May.

See what I did there? 

  1. May is named after Maia, the Greek goddess of fertility – However, the Roman poet Ovid took issue with the whole idea of May being named after a Greek goddess, so he decided the name actually came from the word majors, which means “the ELDER'S “. 
  2. No US president has ever died in May. It is the only month of the year that can make that claim.
  3. In any single year, no other month begins or ends on the same day of the week as May. It’s true.  Grab a calendar and check!


Now that you have a few fun facts about May, it is time to pledge. 



How to pledge: 

  1. Go to top of page and click the link for Latest Reply.Latest Reply.png
    Or you can go to the last page by clicking on the last page of the pagination links.pagination.png
  2. Click on the Reply bubble and make your pledge to the person at the end and then offer your free hand to the next pledge.Reply.png
  3. You've made your pledge.  Come back tomorrow and pledge again.
  4. Check out this handy quit calendar to calculate your DOF!  EX Quit Calculator - Google Sheets  or check out My Quit Plan  

As you go through your day you know that you have these two people with you and all of you are keeping each other strong. How cool is that! 

Have you been reading The Daily Promises?

Etiquetas (1)
Etiquetas (1)
629 Respuestas

Congratulations Pops!!  How exciting for you, I remember when I made it to two weeks, I felt amazed and proud, but most of all I felt hope!!

Quiting IS doable!  And I CAN do it!!!  I gladly receive your hand and pledge not to smoke today no matter what!  I also hold ou my other hand to the next Pledger to join us.

Cricket  83 DOF


Good morning Cricket‌!!!

I gratefully take your hand and pledge not to smoke today!  I extend my free hand to the next EX-er in line!

celebrating my 60 days of FREEDOM with a weekend trip to visit my family!  I’m sitting at the airport right now stress free and not worried about when I can smoke next .....ahhhh this is much easier!  Thank you God and EX Community!


60 DOF!!!



Happy Friday! I gratefully accept your hand and pledge not to smoke today. My free hand is extended to the next person who chooses to pledge with us.  

Earlier this week you asked how I felt being at the end of NML...It's fantastic!  I lost my last quit as 6 months so I know I still have be careful but this one feels like forever:)

Stay strong in YOUR quit and have a wonderful day!


132 DOF


DLHaffner‌ - Hi Danielle - We both grabbed Cricket's hand so I'll take  yours and pledge with you not to smoke today.

A huge CONGRATULATIONS on reaching 60 days!!!!!  How awesome for you to be spending it with family.  Have  a safe trip and wonderful time with your loved ones.

You got this!



Thank you Sandi! NOPE! TGIF = Thank God I'm free! No smoking on Fridays! Here is my hand to the next exer!


Thank you, KTQeeyore‌!  It's a beautiful day to be free!  Gladly taking your hand and offering one to the next person who is ready to pledge not to smoke today! 

104 dof 


Happy Friday Jerica_82‌!  I will gladly take your hand today and pledge not to smoke NMW while EXtending my free hand to the nEXt EXer who chooses to pledge the same.

Roller 314 DOF


Thanks for your hand Roller. I'll join the pledge to stay smoke-free every second of this day. Here's my hand for the next......



Thanks for letting me hold your hand Anya, while I pledge no smoking today!  My other hand reaches out eagerly to the next person in line.

Bree 430 DOF.


Thank you for your hand Bree I will gladly take it and pledge not to smoke today and extend my other hand for the next person to join us

Kelly 428 dof