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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


Stay Active in August, it may just save your quit!

Hello Everyone,

I usually have Holidays to post about and catchy phrases. Well, I have racked my brains and checked my calendars, there are a few minor celebrations but nothing major. 

August is still a month where we can swim and be outside. Avoid the real hot and humid days as much as you can, but stay active (busy) as much as possible. It just may save your quit. Many of us complain about the weight we gain when we quit smoking. Staying busy not only can smash a crave but can help keep the weight off!

If any of you have a special day, holiday, event or celebration feel free to shout it out!

I want to thank each and every one of you for helping keep this group active and lifting each other up with your pledges. In July, we had 6 pages of pledges and an average of 9 pledges per day.

Commit/stay committed to your quit! Please join us in the Daily Pledge and keep you commitment strong.


I Won't Quit on my Quit!

Taking your dog for a walk early in the morning or after the sun goes down is a great way to stay active.

Or swimming a few laps is a great activity. (Can't smoke when you are wet and great exercise)!

Never hurts to find a shady spot to get out of the heat!

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293 Replies

Good Morning.      Cindy, congrats on your 122 DOF......It's growing Girl...proud of you!

I'll take your hand and pledge that I will not smoke today no matter what may come along......My other hand is out to the next in line.

Sharon 1094

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Good Morning!

Sharon, thanks for your han.  I pledge not to smoke today and also offer my free hand to the next person in line.

Victoria  56 DOF

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Good Morning All

I gladly take your hand Victoria and pledge to not smoke for today no matter what and offer my free hand to the next in line to pledge

Mag at 1115 DOF

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Good morning I take your hand Mag and pledge not to smoke today congrats on your 1115 DOF Wow! You have really kicked nicodemon butt! I extend my free hand to the next in line! Day 5Alive! Kimberly
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I take your hand Kimberly and pledge not to smoke today. Today is Day 47 and feeling good.  I extend my had to the next in line to pledge.


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Good Morning all! Kimberly glad you are staying alive on day 5 It's uncomfortable, but it really won't kill you! Sorta feels like it at times I know! But you are rocking it!

Hello Lillian Day 47, WOW I can feel your hand getting stronger! As I take your hand I pledge not to smoke, no matter what happens! I offer my free hand to the next to pledge! Terrie  395 days free

I Won't Quit on my Quit!

Try this to help stay active in August

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Hi Everyone,

Terrie, got your hand today and pledging to not smoke today, no matter what! Hoping you have a good appointment today....

I offer my free hand to the next to pledge. Have a beautiful day today!


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Oh snap I forgot to make my pledge today. Hi Joyce thank you for your hand and gladly take it to hold and pledge not to smoke today no matter what!!  I offer my free hand to the next person in line to pledge. Have a great evening.


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Good morning!

Hi Sharon, I gladly take your hand as I pledge not to smoke today- no matter what! I offer my free hand to the next person in line to pledge...

Penny 103 DOF

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congrats Penny, i take your hand and pledge not to smoke today, and offer my hand to the next in line

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