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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


Daily Pledge

every time i sneak a cigarette, i force myself to ride my bike to somewhere in the city to put one of these stickers up. it makes me do aerobic exercise, which the smoking doesn't help, and also makes me think twice about if i really want that smoke.

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Day 2, i pledge to be smoke free

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Good Morning all!!

Is it in my mind or am I hungry??  I ate a banana with cool whip ... not bad right?  I've eaten a 2 oz bag of Perkey Jerky (it's great but sodium may be high) and next on the list is Laughing Cow cheese wedges and an Arnold Sandwich Skinnys.  I'm trying to eat the right things to sooth my self-imposed cravings.

I have to say though that I don't find myself craving a cigarette.  They are still on my mind, but not haunting me regularly throughout the day, so that's also progress!!  Yayyy me and Yayyy you if you didn't give in to take a puff.  I'm with NOPE!  I like that!

I truly believe that as long as I can stay away from people who smoke for awhile, I can do this thing and make it my final, successful attempt.

Husband is home and doing well, so that's some relief.  Dogs woke me up at 5am crying (the oldest lab Dukie, whose 9 is a diabetic and was thursty), so I got up, gave Dukie his shot, let all 3 of them outside, checked on the husband, made him a fried egg sandwich for breakfast, gave him water and juice, fed the dogs, made John's lunch and snack for the day, gave him cell phone, put his laptop near him, handed him the remote then got myself ready for work and here I am!

We were lucky in the Baltimore area as we did not get the snow that was predicted. 

I'm tired (LOL), and I have a full day ahead of me.  That is a "Smoke Free" day!!  WaHoo.

Sending good JuJu everyone's way to keep on the no smoking train!  I'm lovin' it!  We have strength in numbers and the right attitudes!!

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Good Morning all!

New to this group.  Reading and sharing helps to motivate me.  Thank you for the support!!

Is it in my mind or am I hungry??  I ate a banana with cool whip ... not bad right?  I've eaten a 2 oz bag of Perkey Jerky (it's great but sodium may be high) and next on the list is Laughing Cow cheese wedges and an Arnold Sandwich Skinnys.  I'm trying to eat the right things to sooth my self-imposed cravings.

I have to say though that I don't find myself craving a cigarette.  They are still on my mind, but not haunting me regularly throughout the day, so that's also progress!!  Yayyy me and Yayyy you if you didn't give in to take a puff.  I'm with NOPE!  I like that!

I truly believe that as long as I can stay away from people who smoke for awhile, I can do this thing and make it my final, successful attempt.

Husband is home and doing well, so that's some relief.  Dogs woke me up at 5am crying (the oldest lab Dukie, whose 9 is a diabetic and was thursty), so I got up, gave Dukie his shot, let all 3 of them outside, checked on the husband, made him a fried egg sandwich for breakfast, gave him water and juice, fed the dogs, made John's lunch and snack for the day, gave him cell phone, put his laptop near him, handed him the remote then got myself ready for work and here I am!

We were lucky in the Baltimore area as we did not get the snow that was predicted. 

I'm tired (LOL), and I have a full day ahead of me.  That is a "Smoke Free" day!!  WaHoo.

Sending good JuJu everyone's way to keep on the no smoking train!  I'm lovin' it!  We have strength in numbers and the right attitudes!!

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I pledge not to smoke for the next 24hrs.

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I keep forgetting to put the patch on in the morning.  Do you think that's adding stress to my quit program?  It's hard for me to tell as I'm still in the beginning stages of quitting.

I've read that it's recommended that one wear the patch for at least 6 months.  Does anyone have any feedback about that?  I don't want to fall off the track to success.


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Today is day 19. I am reading Allen Carr's book "Easy Way To Stop Smoking." For me, it is absolutely powerful. More tools for my toolbox! I will not smoke today.

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Still on the No Smoking train!  WooHoo.  I pledge to remain smoke free today, February 2, 2015.

Stay with me!!  I wish everyone continued success.

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I pledge to not smoke for the rest of the day. 🙂 

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Day 1 I pledge to be smoke free for 24 hours. The journey has began.

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Good Morning All, I was lost for quite some time yes I know there are no excuses I let down myself as well as the community-very sorry.  All I can say now is Just for Today I pledge not to smoke for the next 24 hours. 

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