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Daily Pledge, Bonfires and Quit Celebrations: Traditions born from the members


Bonfire July 4th Weekend - Throw Cigarettes Into The Bonfire That You Would Have Smoked

Welcome To The Weekend Bonfire. It Is a time to throw all cigarettes you would have smoked since quitting into the fire. I like to dedicate it to those that have died with cancer but you can dedicate it for any reason you choose. I dedicate My Bonfire toss to Moonbug Jean, Randall Rogers and to Danielle's Grandmother that just Passed. I am also proud of Danielle that she did not make excuses to smoke during this trying time. I thank Karen for the campfire graphic and all people that are able to say they are smoke free and can throw cigarettes in the bonfire this weekend.

If you need something to help you count the cigarettes you would have smoked try the Quit Keeper or

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7 Replies

Here I am on Day 4....and throwing 53 cigs into the bonfire.............BURN, BABY....BURN !!!!!!
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I have been quit for 4 Years, 2 Months, 4 Weeks, 1 Day, 14 hours, 31 minutes and 30 seconds (1551 days). I have saved $4,344.49 by not smoking 62,064 cigarettes. I have saved 7 Months, 1 Day and 12 hours of my life.

51 Months Smoke Free for Me Today and Luving Every Minute of It !!!!!!!!!!

Here are my 62,064 cigarettes for the bonfine ......BURN >>>>>BURN>>>>>BURN !!!!!
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You are my hero. I fell off the last two weeks. Ashamed to post because I slipped. Father-in-law terminally ill. Stopped again no excuses. For good...Need help with stressful situations. I'm smarter and don't want to smoke. I'm stronger. I know how it feels not to smoke. QUITTING for GOOD no matter what. Thanks for being there.
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Happy Independance Day to all! I have 520 cigarettes to throw in the fire after 17 days of not smoking. Yea me!
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you are worth the fight not ever give up on the right to control your life again from the nicodemon called cigarettes.

Get tough and fight back ....its your life excuses are acceptable...... you deserve the right to a smoke free day !

U CAN DO IT ...... we can help ....pledge daily and hold on tight there are many winners in there everyday !

peace !
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25,701 blasted idiot sticks in the fire for me!
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I'm very happy to add my 951 disgusting cigarettes to the bon fire, smoke free since June 3, I'd like to dedicate to my mother, grandmother, aunts marie and rosie who all died of cancer,and my friend Marilyn who has ovarian cancer, and of course all of you wonderful people here who have joined me on the journey. Thank you all.
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