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1 cigarette constitutes relapse?

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Okay first let me start with apologizing if I offend anyone... but I was kinda offended when I had ONE cigarette on my day nine and came here for encouragement. Yes I did receive ALOT of encouragement and peptalks but there were a few replies that I felt were a little harsh in telling me I should be honest and reset my quit.

For ONE cigarette? After smoking a pack a day for 20 years? And most of the argument I hear is "any nicotine is a relapse".... okay, so how is someone who is using NRT's everyday considered "quit"? ((And believe me, that is in NO WAY how I feel. I think if you arent smoking, but whatever means necessary NRTs or whatever, then you are a quitter!! Good for you! )) Just wondering what the thought process is with this..

I know this is prolly gonna piss some people off, but damn some of the replies I got pissed me off too. I know its petty and doesnt really matter, but I just needed to get it off my chest,

So... Im keepin my quit at Feb 6 with the amendment of one cigarette. And to those of you with words of kindness and words of encouragement thank you so much, you are the difference in my resolve.